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Show Ah cf - t ! ' i ' V ;:'ve t'w ,i v i'i i'. , v n'.i'i ami i i t -1 . " ; j : t i.i.tn t. caplu'-s i vu.'-v-ir '"i'i a tahlf;-.i.ul : I l.itj. hut v. ill!. .ii: Ih rn,:;c:..il tiicl, as llC 'i r :l! III it'll IH IIIUHS. 'I - c i..t,t-r v.vs tn.iii".- .1 ai ii nn in . .; u-st li-!l vt. J.iv ,.!. . i ii -1 ii. Tut; ju: y ; i-ne:cti a vt-id . i iCi 'i-ii! i! tlo.iiii, .iiid ex. .lie! all 1 1 Mis L.ucici nit- In in ail blnlll", '1'v.u.lV H.C ijiuly WIH !t-;.ueJ f.tr Imri il t-ie ii.i Jfi'ii'iri-.; t- .,i:.! it-; it-; i:i . ut i i :i D llvui.s, a;.il Lc iiitvutii at I'.'cii-.ii t Given tuiiii uuv. . -i '1'ht-iIl-co.uiI vriri ihiiiy two ye.ns ( ' age and cumo lo Uns city iiuiu k )ihm, ! Olitvbt ;;iiii c-utuy. M.sliiunn, ;n .Novtiii-I .Novtiii-I Ijf r List, where be leaves wile and uiik j ciiikJ. lie was a plastcier by i.rcuiatii.n and vs.is said to in- a Subel, lun dwuikai j and ti:diis(i;uus man. Culumbus. O. June 15 Special. -Tin-! Republican Stale c'Jiivenlimi was alcled toi.rder at 110011 by R, M. Nevin, ol Uav-ton, Uav-ton, temporary cliaiinian. The. speech 01 Mr. Nevm evoked tne wildest enthusiasm en-thusiasm where he reviewed the hisloty ot the Republican party specially when he alluded to the legislation uf the last Congress. There were never befoie so i many polit cans in aiici.da:ice at the .'. 1 7. i i): 1 I J ; 1 5 1 ... O 1 1 I 'i . i.c; ! ti.. ;.!:,... ;;.,ii 1 .;. -. r,i ... . AH the 1 !.) j ;;.-',..:; .... 1 .... :::'!. it.iVt : I) 1 i ! ! ..'ffcll 1 . ,'....s !..i t.:e ,ujt ii ! ,',..: .., ,1, :.. t I. i '.I .1 ll. tiiV .!' "I ' .; .!. i-.y, v;i . i. s iji..:.l ''.'- 'c - O'.l 1 . ,' .,,' . .' ; 'I I i.'L . ,i! ti: .-i :,'t t . . . ; 1 .-..,.:.' '- m 1 ...11 ;..! v t vic:t.;y. l''ie Ueica'e.i ole ; vi 1 va iju-.a-i-c. A'i s;ni.i ti I..c;i. " ; .;.!S D.'Lli l).i;i.:.rj and l. if jli'. i-l.Uoil i ,).is s iiieliiiii;-; ol 1 he chus.icler ul a li.ve i :ea-:l. laVni Mi'i'vliihs Hiii be ituliliii- a.ed i y aic a ; a ion for jjoveiuor. Tiu-re ! , .11 b w-vei, Uss a s.ia,4rilc tne otlii ' , ,i:i.ii.i;,.j..-. M. j ji a.cXii.ieV vv.iui'J. in- p?inrtlcd to name In!1 Culie.iuts en ' ti.v lirket but he Ue'.lm d lo be p.acvU ' in tae altitude ol a ta'ioii. lie bel.cV'cS lie cm ;t nttun is fully Cipablc 1 I iioiiiin-:.Uiiia iioiiiin-:.Uiiia ticket mat w.ll nieel wuii Pie i iiid.itseinci.1 of tlte Vi.lecs. Colonel A, i I, i lams, i I 1 i.iyi i.i. senis to in e the h-rou'H i.U 'v:!::; .-tail lite caial-d-.es I (or L cutenat.t Govern, r. u..'iuaii; n is resrlel as quite pionaliie, espe-iaily as lie is lasted by Mckinley's pritai managers, Tlie section cl ibe. ''. Ue iioni whence C .lor.el H.utis Coiijs ln.s not trad a rep; tscutauve on Jule tiSitO-.&aice ''''-ii - -'i'ii I 'ii'-1-'' y" .' G .vsrnor Canipliell ny the O.M iat. i; concededpiotwiths:a:idirg tne 'liiut j 1 laiiiiiton county is b.tieily opp. l l to I 1 him. Tne cnn.t briiVei'ii I Ciuiiibeil and .i..j'-r Jie K'lilc-p M I vile Hie attiiiiou cf tlie w nls t'uliijv j Campbell has some advaulai-s uver ! Ins competitor beinj; 111 poa ei and beirg Siippoited by the oilice linKieis i.f tlie Si.ae The Kepur.bc.iii here lod.iy re-1 pitsfiitin, aii parts ul the slate pie ik'isl il;at it' tne i adeis of the p.uiy stippicsis ! then jr-alousies, ami give McKn.k'V aj loyal support i will be (he next jj. v-; ei imr. 'Viij Convention u iii not ddj'.urn ! tintill toiumi'a.v evenni'- i 1 j 1'iii'in'i wii, I';., j.'.i e ij. ' !..'' lr ,!.' , Alex lioMl.a f!''.iiKt''.si at the c- Us j wolks, wa iuvake.ud :.c a in :-'- . ! d.;or ill) I liicii tai.iu ;'i the p.iu.;l, kil'm:; h.s a;;ed ijtardn- ',!'':. ii 1 was u ; 1 h. ; is s-..!v. io'.l as n- beats a ba I repu-' repu-' tafon, I'i? in h ii'ts d u!,v ii. a!i'.' have pi.it er him ti'id' i' 1.1 1 est, I (ifiin 1. O, June iS-!,i'V I'rin; was j w.T !.i;d on tiie 1 "t ! liii; niorii'n.; bv two ' men. who i'a,;.'.oil i t 1 i"!o a thu kei and ;!':,! i'ed ! . cutra.- h-r i!r scti msi j i,r.,tu:;i her broib-i Kiui?r The latter was fatally stabbed by the niis:r-aiils, 1 who Ihen cscapi d. Tner were c iptured ! this all f moon ami lod.;ed in jail. I'upular ' excitement is hiiii. Ciiciuiia'i, Jt'ne 'S A senati';i.al shootii'i afl'air took place this afternoon in a flonst'c esiablishmetit between Charles V White, a wellknown attorney and J P Soon i;h, his son-in-law. S!iout;h and his wife sepeiatedand he Ims made cnarues against Her, which her father re-senis, re-senis, and so when ihey met both drew revolver. Ten shuts were bred. While was fatally injured. Slought was slightly wounded 111 the baud. Pottstown, I'aJ'jne IS. While several small yiils were wadhur bii'vior-tsd in t::e li.-et r.ear I'aikv I .id, ''. .':' '.' ; V. -.-..!. !nr.'; !'.-.',:. ! -: ,., 10 h-'-l I '., : ;;: i. - t y." .. ... : . I, -.-! !.. i") b :i" . : ! 1 .' i ii.- ' I i . ' . " ii i 1 ;-t l.c!ii! d.Z 10. ii bin. 1 r ru 'n. :. 11 ' 1 i Ti1:' .-), b.n ;i lis ei iniins t i-dav an .! ii' 10 d !ed I he vdley. The hue vo'ume of es-j es-j cap ui"; watel caused a shock I'ke an ' t-o r.. lir.pi.i !; f lo I ho sturoiMi.iin oiumtv II. .! i !. -1 ; s '. .1 .' As the Inn iii-; iii-; laius aiilic-p.'ted the accio'ent and n ui j made preo. ral "lis it i. lio;.e I no f.mii- ii" were causi-d, but lepoiis Knin m.oiv I vill.i'.'es whicn have been inniiilated ate I anxiously aw tiled. Much I'ro jertv hn I been destroyed The biiis'ui ; of Hie j Like was due m ihe softening of the gi..- cier, wa.ch .s 1.JO0 iv'el m t'a.ck..cs. Osrc of the rarest iuc'denls on recoid j of love confounding Hvj lev lias jnsi i been reported from Ne.wY.uk. Joseph j Sbana.i.iin, a hi jhwavman and uver ! pirate, was sentenced a lew d 1 y s a to J t tirt p.-ulentiary. Wiiile beinj; led to ; '.ha iiiolrU.i 4;.rtia.id to a (elluar convict, Sli.oiahan was met by his mother and sister, who wer granted tho fieedom with the criaiiiial '.vhich th coiuuio.i has of hu na ii ' demand beiween kindredon such occasions. In bidding .Slianahan lare.vcli (us sister kissed linn in such a manner that it attracted t he officer's atteu ion.but did nip at the j lane a.vaken any sasoic ons of bad f.iitii iluaveiy short tim S i.iii.iliau wa a I free man. How lie yai ied his liberty I no one had tne sb , 'blest idea, till tne keen' iitli'cer thourf'.u U limt peculiar j k.ss, when it suddenly dawned upon in that in In 3 l.is: sirred bvmb .1 of dvo ion she h; d pn"e-.1 to him a key by v,' ..ch ,ti a 1:1 -ia lit I ; V o. :e. to esv.?tp;' lie bad opw.iud 11 9 Siaiid.";:.? ;J ij-mifcii Ins l!"rd...iit A'iici'e lii.-.c's a w.ii liuie is uj .a' y a way. New Y...rk, lure i.-Ci-f "?;.(! L uv-eil uv-eil ol liie s:ea:ii'hi o S .-u i'.-iil ii.d l:o-:: J.im.tcia poits te-ls ine story ui a iioiii-ble iioiii-ble luht at 1'i.tte ftl uie, i' wituc-ssed. i'oij;' coob.'S, all iK-ttiva-s ol li.e lo .vii, It-id btcoiue involved t) a bii ler I "iid ud deeded de-eded 10 Jiht I.) the deasli. In liie centre cen-tre ol a gieeu ei closi.ie n ptd .f.', at eiich cuner stood one ol the men. J' hey were stripped to the waist and each man grasped ur bis rihi bund a kn.fe with a blade seven inches lou. For a mornem the metl stood !ar n,r at each o her. then the word was .vci and tli". il ;ht bewail. Ii was a cas ..f ev:-i 7 in 01 loi hiiii-el( witli a veniance. Lowell says j that without .111 y exception it was the nn.iii fi lifill si ''hr h- f ifi-r s:i a'. In five niuuilcs 11 was d over When Ihe ptl-' ice airivtd lliiee bodies, it icked id most beyond ieco,;iiiiion, lay ins.de Mie ropes. The font th man was so cia..;.l by his wounds that befoie liie po'.ce could lay liands on mm he drove his own knife liiiXti -.h tne iteiill. trw.vj no r s'jicnx:. The death of Charles Ln-Fava, at lltightoti. yesterday, was cat sed by a ler- j lilble mistake made by Mis Mai tie Liu-cic. Liu-cic. nie. To iy that lha deceased committed com-mitted suicide, as alleged by s me, is strong'y denied, and in a inam.tr that plainly proves 'hat self destruction was ll .t contemplated 'ihe detaiis of the iatal aflair w ue related to. NttAVS re-poiter re-poiter today by a bro'.her of tlie dece.ts-ed. dece.ts-ed. They are as billows. News Items. Bridgeport, June 18 Scheele, iheGer-nian iheGer-nian saloon keeper who muideied a constable in 1S88 while the later was trying to ariest him for a violation cf the license law. wa hiir-g lies mmi-l i'.g. ' . Stavtr ULnianX pa-.t'ii.: k'X.'. of.' J.ickFiost k.lied s ists f tc.fc t-miei vegetation in the itaui'Vis .. 1 ii Tuesday n'ght. Jnne' o. ii is to l e ii. p-cd p-cd that Ins im.esiy will now pi'inii'. -tr gardens to 1C.-.1 111 peace. Wichhn, Kan, tine i5, A bn.a.o is reported to have swept over New iUii-ih.ck.on iUii-ih.ck.on W'ichiia tie.il Western i.Vilway this afternoon. Coi.s'ueiable (Jaiii'ijje tuiist have bfen d. ne to the crip;. Wichita got a slight hail stotm. Milwaukee. June 16. jas Mu -v ' fatally shot his wife this altei noon. Mug-Kiey Mug-Kiey married s '.votn.tn in a Mim'e.ip:I.s house ol ill repine and brotij'.it he: iie.e. She went bac to her old as t ci .lo'is, howevcr.ai d ,lug cy in a Fit c f Uopeia Uonx kill d hqr. .A . , .- i. V Siiortely after begimng woik yesterddy morning the deceased complained fo a fellow woikman cf severe cramping pains m the stomach and relumed 10 ins cabin a hoH duiance away, in q ie-t 01 a t.- lv. li i'i i"....:0.: ;o ii' d ,.ky- j U' . V to .0 1 i .o.. ': . : ' : . .-' . I toid to o-.i bis oik 1 ;'',:...'. ' o d w as a ir)' It- c . i .- ; i as oa- I I -0 I .' ' i " I . ! k .- ; .vent -;ov,:.i;.:o. V. no : . : . -. - I La i-asa's stn. ; . j ; '. .' . - ! sue uan-.h.d i.;i:l '" l.-h a- d -- I V UK g !SS, Ul'o W ioCii I.!.' 0 til c.i ! '..!.;." jOOiC -l i 't1 ia-'ti.i : i e, ,: i .'. I Ui-.l ; fii ie La iil..: !:':' f.l I ikn !,:.'ro:S" j i s a :.i. altl:eii"i - : ' . hick I . you.' 1 a d k ;i:e ilvadly dwe. I'.it-tai.l'y his j smile was li. ii ;c t'o vl 11.10 a look ol in -1 101 , olid iic ; cci: oia a dead j man u. lc-3 I ciii get an ansidsvit eiiuicd-'ia'eiy.'' eiiuicd-'ia'eiy.'' ' i.i.-.i". . .: o (i .1.; ' i. i i.. ;oi.; c.; ;!:; Avi-i'it, e !!;:; o ', siie u.sc. ven d I ni i: |