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Show SHERIFF'S BALE Notice of Sale or Real Estate. In the nfstrli-t Couri .' WC.-r County State of I'tah William BlrchoJl, plaintiff, vs. C R Rogue. Maude Bugu.-. A. W. Bogue. O. Rogue i ;.. Rogue, Anns S. Rogue, joim T. Ru hmc: . et si., defendants. defend-ants. To be sold at sheriffs --ale on the 15th day of July, 1W2. at 12 o'clock noon of said day. at the south front door of the Weber countv oouri house. In Og3 D City, Weber county. I'tah, the following bed proporty, to. wit: A par of thO souihea-.t tuni'er of Section 2C. In Township north, ranjre J west: Salt Lake Meridian, r surve "eglnnlng at a point iO rods south from the northeast comer of said southeast (luarter of said Section 28; thence west 0 rods; thence north in rods; thence east 40 rods; thence south 16 rods, to the place of beginning, containing four acres of land Together wit!) all and singular the tenements, her uJtaments nd appurtenances thereunto belonging I or lo anywise appertaining. Subject, however. 10 ihe Hen of tho! mortgage mentioned and described in ' I ne answer and cross-complaint of the' defendant, John T. Uushmer Dated at Ogden City. Weber county. I l 'ah. Uils 24th da.v ,., June 1921 R !. P;.(M(;k" Sheriff of Weber County rih By J B. WALLACE. I Deputy Sheriff. Ss; - CLASSIFIM RADIATOR REPAYS noT'now?' Wlnt 11 THAT RADUTfiftl will he repairs! rlKh' U money hy having real r.J,y It right. ' r"l lit: Fenders STa'.tkr i HiH EN A I 'TO RADUta 2323 liudnon Ave. WAAT0 BAJDIATORS REPAmpKrtJ Installed or section, iSrfEW radlaror repairs V?,unM U JACKSON 4 pjfa? I4S0 Hudson Av 1 Ug j I I AJ 'NSURANcH R. fi AOEE. " Pone-7T-J FL-UFFRu7-J ; VOT.-R r.M carpel,, ""rir-r--Bl , int.. heautlful fluff r Pema UUh Muff Rug Co. Ph.aB 1 HAVE your old earpetsei uS made Into fluff rurV fl.?ll('S ' 0 . Phone inn-R UMQ 3 FURRIER AND TAXlOEirf FT'R storage, remodellnV 3 llnlnr. and cleaning u' . reHtt3 will call for ,- f" .r rJ T &ajew,ky 4)S 24th CLEANING AND dye3 HIT iVE 1 0 i j - work isrsate H CONTRACTlNfj-H IF TO I lTK, TfjgJ i.iiilniriic ' 'on' ra. in, 1 l-i u I'l'". ..in- "XJ 88S-R nl'hu.l en LepJ STEAMSHIP BTl'.AAJhlii.' Li ol, I'd. i,SJiJ-J CARPET CLEANING E J HAMPTON fr 'oA Carpet Qeanlnf W,1 L Pholsterlni, Maiir. ' Making. F.atheV.RenJ Prompt (-an at,d DuM For Flrsf -class i' '1 Hpholsterlng and Mattr.SM Phone V2 K V, 1 IDENTIFICATIoTluifrf PROTECT you7Td7ntTtTby"ta finder printB registered 504 inS si bank bldg R. H OMuJl fVINDOW GLAScJ WE carry one of thhLrse?'a window gla.s In the city SLjTJ ice. lowest prices. MluBoefcM Paint Co. 2370 WaAva I 9o6 k 8 AN'rTorStiojal BRA MWEUl f.v crvthlng tor the 0fflc. A wood furniture, check r,rotftrt3 lare and leprint flctloa. 'Washington Ava U BEEKEE PER S'8UMfl (ilOT your hives, supers, itcS j foundation, sinokers and all iuw F red Fou i me I In, fl, currenr. nevv i:ar 7CS 24th 1 3l7i-W. ' ORESSMAKING DRESS MA Kl NO RealonTtiru Llncofn avenue. 1 1 1 : f s r i T ' 1 u r : ; p i coT mT ,dnklng. pleating, new and ccapl chlnerv 2rt. flour. Wrights Uyman SCAVENGER j A LI. kind?1 of cavenger work, (gj sod toilets cleaned, rubbl;h bifl Ch pp a- Co., :-:4s Hudson. PblSJ McC i: n A ' " l.a.:iog""nlBl asl . 278 Grant Phone tV RABBITS 1 HAVE on iivr stlgated full J .-on erning the rabbit Indusoja nd formation in.l bod free h s.i in i.ie I W. Conne.'! I 126 Slst St. I SHOE SHINE. ' r nTi r'uic ' vnoe shining stand thJ I adlei md geBtltsj ii until II ra OM i Snnda., I n;.-n S-at:..n . INSURANCE Ol R specialty 1 auto and 1 unc i I-: Storey, succeaatr I h"urdy. Insurance and ;a:i8. I3ft Phono 4H6. BUSINtSS O D D 0 R TUNii .VAN 1 0 to ban B Standard-EXaminer offlcej 1 BAGS AND BARREL! i k , Barrel Cosh I e Phone 2244 MESSENGER SER.iCl M ERi 11 .n I'P 1 nspatch. Phosl |