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Show eyes win ii 121 INNNQ i Heine Groh Is Injured and I Will Be Lost to' Giants for Rest of Year NATION Mi I EAG1 I :. Wi U Pet. I N'ew York 49 2 7 6 4.". j St. Louis 4 9 3 1 590 Chicago 4 2 38 S26 Cincinnati 42 ' 40 ol2 Brooklyn 41 40 60C I Pittsburg 36 4 3 .456 Philadelphia .... 29 46 887 Boston 28 4S . 3J festcrday's Results At Pittsburg Boston-Pittsbnr? s;ame postponed; wet grounds. At Cincinnati Brooklyn 4, Cln- Innatl 3. At Chlcugo New York 4, Chlcajo .". (Twelve Innings, i At St. Louis Philadelphia 0. St. Louis I, Tods 's Scliclalc Boston at Pittsburg. Brooklyn at J' 'ncinnati. New Yoik at Chicago. Philadelphia at St. Louis. CHICAGO July 14. Chicago stag-1 ed a batting rally In the t.velfth Inning In-ning and defeated New York. 5 to 4. In addition to losing the game the Slants lost the services of Heine1 iroh. who .returned to the lineup today after being oul more than a month because of an Injured knee. In' attempting to field u bunt by O'Kar-l rell In the twelfth Inning Groh turned turn-ed the same knee and had to be carried car-ried off the field. It was said lt muy be some time before he will be able to resume his old position again. The visitors got the Jump when Groh got a freak home run In the third which sent two runners In ahead of-him He hit down the third base line and the ball rolled under the fence. Chicago plajcd an uphill battle be hind Aldrldges good pitching and lied the count In the ninth. Scort R. H E. New York 4 5 3 hlcago 5 14 3 Batteries: Cuusey and Smith. Aidridge and O'Farrell. CINCINNATI. July 14. The Reds failed to hit Vance at timely mo-ments mo-ments Thursday, while Couch was baited freely when hits meant runs and Brooklyn won 4 to 3, Ktopping the winning streak of the Reds. Mitchell hit a home run in tho fourth, storing a man ahead ol him. Shore. R. H Brooklyn 4 n 1 Cinllnnati 3 8 0 Batteries Vance, 6mith and De-berry; De-berry; Couch and Wingo. ST. LOUIS. July 14 Bill Doak th? Cardinals' atar splt-ballor, shut out Philadelphia. 1 to 0, with one hit, In tho fourth game of the series hero Thursday The only hit for the Phillies Phil-lies was an infield tap to Fournier b Walker In the seventh, in which Loak failed to cover first It wan his second one-hit game of the year Earlier In the season he held tho Giants to one safety, a bunt by Bancroft, Ban-croft, the first man to face him. It was also the third time In Doak's major league career that a fluke Infield In-field hit robbed him of a no-hlt game, j The only run of the gamo came off Singleton In th fifth on Fournier's double, a wild pitch and MeCurdy's single. 8core. R. H. K Philadelphia 0 1 0 St. Louis . . 1 g 11 Batteries: Singleton and Peters; 1 Doak and McCurdy |