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Show ALLEGE HE KILLED II KU KLUX KLANSMAN K GLOBE Ariz.. July 14 J. X. Eg ten was arrested today In Miami, near HsaX here on a v. an am charging him wl4n K murder in conn,"-tion with the. klllinr K. In Angletonl Texas, in February, of ar H alleged member of the Ku Klux Klljn fj. and the wounding of another man in S' what was Bald t,, have been a Kl8)i raid on a rooming house where Whit-ten Whit-ten and bis u r living v hltti 1 1 ri fus, l lo talk. His wl'ft however, declared that "VYhitten dJ i nol fire i -lvn In the Angletou raid. She said she was beaten at tha- &;; time i Klansmen who were bent o" ?". spiriting ava' her husband |