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Show OP UNIFY MOVEMENT FOR ARAB NATION JERUSALEM. July U. The movement move-ment for Arab national Independence is becoming further unified. Mesopotamia. Meso-potamia. Syria. Palc.tln. th EfedjAX and the Yemen havo come together BWOmTlT1l'll' I 1II1HT to organize a "World Arab Executive Committee." The committee will endeavor to consolidate con-solidate all Arab lands, and it will servo as a physical power against all foreign nations who try H partition Arab lands. It will concern Itself with all Arab affairs, both military and political. Its headquarters have not yet been determined, but they will be at some point far removed from European Influences. As one Arab leader remarked. " The present situation both In Pale:. tine and Syria has taught us the great lesson that only In unity will we Arabs obtain ob-tain our national independence. 00 |