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Show uu BIRTH-CONTROL AND POVERTY. At a conference on M rib -control i being held In London, oni of the American speakers did not hesitate to say the Londoners vei lean of face with, thin legs and he drew the con-1 elusion that the pople of London were poorly fed He was followed by j a doctor who declared that wbeneer ihe average duration of life Is short it fj is doe to overpopulation. The onl way to Increase longevity, he said, '.as to decrease the birth rate and he: cited France as a country over-populated. There Is more than the factor of population involved Today the world can sustain a much greater popula-lon popula-lon than 100 years ago There have been vast improvements in production of all kinds. The earth has been made to yield abundantly and quite often the output of soil and factory ifl so great as to yield a surplus When there Is over production people suffer quite as much as when the demand de-mand exceeds the supply. This is due 'o the disorganizing ot the system which Is known as commercialism Unemployment has been most perfous when granaries have been overflowing and warehouses have been filled. Birth control, if advocated, shoul 1 ;ipply to the subnormal. There should he a denial of the right of lazy, Indifferent Indif-ferent men and women of low-men-lality to bring into the world chll Iren certain to be neglected and reared under bad environment Bam |