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Show ON VACATION' Jake Rhine left this mornln for hla ranch In Wyoni'n,;. where he will apend a two wceka' vacation. social svrriuAV There will be an Ice cream and fiftko social at the horn OZ Maxort Mcllinger Saturday. Julv IS. from 2 until 10 t. m , given bv th Christian En4o-or En4o-or aoclty of Fimt Christian church All church membern are Invited to attend at-tend and become acquainted with Rev. Babeock, the new paatof. ENTERTAINS AT COUNTRY CLVD Mrs. H A Penning and M's. Horace-.Vebekcr Horace-.Vebekcr are entertaining at a bridge, luncheon at the country cluh thlf afternoon aft-ernoon In compliment to Mrs H. w. Benson of Lo Angies. and Mrs. Ora Regnart of Holllster. Calif., guests of Mrs. J. M. Parker. READING CTRCLE MEETS The Marana reading circle met this afternoon at tho homo of Mr 8. S. Smith, S187 Adams avenue Mrs William Wil-liam Dougjaa wrae leader of the discussion dis-cussion and Mr. C. H. Barton critic. At the last meeting of tho club, held Friday of last week, at the home, of the president. Mrs Orson Riser, the study of Charles Lambs OMKiyg was raken up, PICNIC AT LAGOON Queen Esther chapter. O. E. S , will hold Its annual picnic at Lagoon Saturday Sat-urday All members are cordially Invited In-vited to bring baskets and Join In tho fun , A picnic luncheon will he served at 7 30 p m Following la tho committee com-mittee In charge of arrangements Mrs. J. H. Pecklnpaugn, cnalrman, assisted by Mrs. Frank Chilton. Mrs. Aahby Newman, Mrs. Charles Letls, Mra. William Allison, Mrs. Leo Gate.-. Mrs Clancy Smith, Mrs Earl Peterson. Peter-son. Mrs Thomas Blakely and Mrs. H. Peterson. |