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Show SUN DANCE HELD BY DUCHESNE INDIANS! SALT LAKE. July 17. The annual sun Dance of the port Duchesne in-1 in-1 dians ended at sundown al Port Duchesne Du-chesne Sunday, aftei a three days' continuous dance without fool r drink. Some of the braves fell from I exhaustion bul as soon ot they roroy-j er d they resumed ho barburlc hop skip and shuffle around t pole on I which was mounted a buffalo head, h Kar spllttinir scrteihes .im unipa nl I " volley after vollev of -.h is directed direct-ed st the Buffalo bead opened the mim- ia.( ulur ilam I-'oliov. iii lei-, the Indians braudlshing ancient toma-f toma-f hawks and bowie knives, engaged in a sing-song chant accompanied by in-, in-, dian tout loms Hundreds of persons from many parts wee- witnesses at various times at the dan.-.-00 |