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Show t f OGDEN LIVESTOCK i . 1 Cattlo S2 Hogs 428 Sheep 208 j ' 'nttle Receipts 32. choice he;iy "teora $6.00 r .50 , Kood steers $C.00ffi 6.00. !ajr steers $4 00 5 00, choice feeder steors $4 00 Q 6 00" choice cows nd heifers 84.7606.26; fair to good .-ows im.l h. lf..r- $40(fr 4 76: cutter.'' $2.00 ii 3.0U, i :inners $1.00(2.00. i holi e I't-i-fl.-r ' mv.s $3.00 (i 4.00 , fnl bulla I8.00O8.60; bologna bulla 52 198.00; veal calves $7.60 6.8,60. Hogs Receipts 426, choice fat Iioks 175 to 250 pounds $10.45; bulk of sal JloiiOrt) in is, feeder hogs $9.00 h 10 00 Sheep Receipts 208. choice lambs, 5lo.in MioO, w others $5.00'5'6.00. fat ewes $3.0o i.oO, feeder lambsi $& 00 9.00. NEW YORK STOCKS. Allied Chemical & Dye 6S',4 , Allla-Chalmera 64J ' American Bet Sugur 44' American Citn BS'i Amerl-.n Car & Foundry 167 American Hide & Leather pfd 70 American international Corp .... 42B American Locomotive . . 116Mi American Smelting & RefB 61 '1 American Sugar 7SiB Amerkup Sunuitra Tohacco Hr5-, I American T & T 121 American Tbbaeco 142 American nnlnn . . sO'i Anaconda Copprr . 721-- I Atchison 181 H Atl Gulf & W (ndles 37 Baldwin Locomotive 119 va Ualtlmore & Ohio 52 Bethlehem stroi b 76 Canadian I'a.ifu 13P (VnirHi Leathur jtxA, Chandler Motors 70j Cheapuake i- Ohio 6-S Chicago Mil & St Paul 2.H Chh u(.-' I & Pfto -.j, 1 Innn V.f.pcr .29 Colorado Fuel & Iron 30 Corn Products tn.io. Crucible Steel 77 U Erlo nB Famous r layers-1 Asky 3Vi General Asphalt 6Sf, General Kiectric .171 General Motors 10 Goodrich Co 19 j; (iio-nt Northern pfd $(1 Illinois Central 107 Inspiration Copper 411,4 International Harvester 101 v. In: .Wr-r Marino pfd 71 International Paper C2Mi Invincible Qll 14 Kelly-Sprlngfleld Tire 48 Kennecotl Vippcr av Loulaville & Nashville !.. 102S Mexican Petroleum i6'i' Mi. 1 ml f.Toppor 29 Middle States Oil Iti! Mid vale Steel . . ' 35 Missouri Pacific 22 New York Central fisu N r N H & Hartford . Norfolk & Wi-nern noR Northern Paclflo .. 77 Oklahoma Prod - Rcf tu Facifio on 55 Pan American Petroleum 71 People iQaa S6 Pure Oil 091,, Ray Consolidated Copper '.'.l'.'. 12 Reading . . -5 Rep Iron & Steil ' ' ' 71 Royal Dutch N Y f,R Jieare Roebuck .... 74 Sinclair Con Oil J?v Southern Pacific ; v ' " Southern Railway . w. Standard Oil of N J , " Stuclpbnker Corporation Tennessee Copper ..... in Texas Co . . Texas & Pacific . .! Lbu Tobacco Products ov Transcontlnen'al Ol! Inlon Paclflr .... United Re-tali stores ' 'SS ' S Ind Alcohol United States Rubhnr .' " !S Utah Copper "it? W; atlnghouse Electric . 2 WU Overland . . ,4. American Zinc. Lead & Sn9 Mi? Ruttr. ,md Superior 'a la Pntrol..,ni ' Montana Power ?' " Great Northern re '.'.!! !!'!."! ! ! ' "t- 1 JJ SEES WAY TO END 'PITTSBURG PLUS' MADISON Wls., Julv 17. ttornet aeral William j Morgan today in a letter to Harrj m. Daughertv, attor-') attor-') g-n.-ra! of the i nited Stat, .s urg.-d that In k ing lth the proposod nergjng of steel producing corpoi lions th attorney general tako po-i-tlve action against the Pittsburg pi,JS practice, and aid th" nation to rid itself it-self of that ovll " "I trust that the time Ls not far dis-1 dis-1 ml when the Pittsburg plus evil will be permanently eliminated, and If vou can do anything to aid in brlnginc about that result either in connection Alth the proposed steel merger or otherwise-, yoii will in my opinion be rendering ren-dering a publli service,' Mr aforaan rote NEW YORK SOLVER NEW YORK, July ! 7. Foreign har diver 70c Mexican dollars o3c. |