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Show EGSCRACK j 7 S. L. SAFES tferal Hundred Dollars Jttd Valuable Papers ' Form Loot jm LAKE July 17 Seven safes fcereru parts of the city were Jopen -so:n.-' t.me Saturday Dlght jr 8unday morning- and consicl-Bioncv consicl-Bioncv and valuables taken. The believe the burglirles were led by the same persons. entering the rear door of the rann shoo ston about 10 last evening George Hough-falght Hough-falght watchman. discovered IT of the safes was open. Ho lately notified the d tc the bu-Bd bu-Bd Det ctive LcRo Lirsen luted lu-ted the case. detective discovered that the id been entered by knocking off biblnatlon lock. The money WSJ I hen opeinvl .1 ri . i .1 il 1 li--1th th" ' x c ) 1 Ion of a few pen-d pen-d been taken 1 n mplov itore estimated the ions ;it mother said he though! that ; $1 C ' a 111 o lie , v 1 m i ssl nu rge ammint of valuables a? from the safe of th Pembroke ery company, 2 4 East Third jtreet, when thieves entered ilo-rand ilo-rand forced the combination f the sufe. The amount of proper'; Is noi yet definitely further Investigation. Detee-irsen Detee-irsen disc overed that another the frufll pai! of the store had sen opened The contents of fe were Intact, however In Lses the thief had taken participation partic-ipation to . " ! illy wife off th. ylth a cloth after ho had fin-he fin-he Job The detecti es have jKeager clews to work on Kffices of the American Fuel w, 602 Sal t I ..! 1 si "Building, were entered thrbllgll 'poked door and the c icoldna-IK icoldna-IK to a ftlin;r ( abinet v. .1 !-...!:-RThe doors tu the , ahhi' 1 vere ned. however, and nothing was I missing. ars knocked the combination I one ha ndh off t h sa f owned Ageri'W on, ,e, n . ' J . 1 elk l but failed to get Into tin s.if' trance to the offices was through the front door. Btrange-McGulrc offices 707 wings and Trust building, were through ilu' fron' mi. 1 and forced Off th' Site 'o ' i! I ported. allar attempted safebr-..i. 1 was d the offices of 1 I. I. I CO . 1 ah Savings an, 1 Trusi bthlng wan reported u,. '.m: K 00 |