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Show kneipp'gces to denver district ! I F. Ktnupp. a.ssiidiint forester In jclvarge of the departtijunl of larir;.. With headquarters at Washington, -ind fojlmerly dlstrlci forester of Dlstrlol -t I'd! the forest service, lef: 1 gden y-s-; terday morning for s trip of inspect- lion of Uitrlct of the forest m-r-Vlce ihe headquarters of which .ire a Ien . r. '"Io. He expects to be in Denver for the ne.t 1 j days, after which he will return re-turn io Wu-Ington While in ogden he conferred with toting Assistant District forester It.' K fiery of the department of lands lie was here four days, one of whlli was spent in Inspecting th- recre -tjonai features of Mr Tlmpanogos ac-' com panted bj Acting Aasj.stant Dlstrlci I Ol estei I 1. r IIBII WgSSSBSlisSWMSSSSSSBSBBWSSSSSSSBSi |