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Show Don't pamper ball placrs! Coddhng's bad stuff, says Evers. College recruit spurns $20u0 salary offered by Wrigley. Evcrs received 100 for his first year's work with Cubs. Carpentler i" a'llllng t.. meet t"'ra.'nk Xlorjn if 1t don't Interfere with the lempse match. Grover Alexander. Cttb pitcher; is shooting golf In San Diego. Garry Herrmann has decided thai , Helnie Groh again will -eep ths gl U I from growing around the Keils' hot corner. White Sox kick ou proposed tax on baseball receipts. They expect big crowds this summer. Bo ftoj Bbtcklinm Is our of the niosl popular referees In the middle weal Wildcat I'erns Oklahoma waiter- weight, tried a comeback the other night. He found he bad gone back too 'far to catch up with Harvey Thorpe Fight faits have hopes of seeing a two-inch collar of, foam again In Montreal. If Willnrd it-l his iriivvn bv BCCl- denf tiH'ii all crowns ar- lost the same Jl . Baltimore promoter thinks Lew Tendler Is a (40(0Q0 attraction iigainst D. Leonard. P.oils who have changed color. Hutch Reuther, BUI Railden, Morris Roth, Jimmy Ring, Greasy Neale and Eddie sicking. ; Jack Dillon, once knowri ;cs the "Indianapolis bearcat,'' kayoed a fellow fel-low in Ijoulsville the otheu night. Dutch Leonard will be given a 'chance to redeem himself with CObb'fl Bengala Dutch la a good pitcher, but a fail weather athlete. i i nn I- sen r. 1 1 s mi e i NEW YORK, Feb. i. Tennis notables not-ables from many parts of the count ry arrlved hero today to participate In .the proceedings tomorrow of the .m ,nuil meeting of the United State! Uin Tennis association. A meeting 'of the executive lommliteo hI whh-b i routine reports will be considered and recommendations made was held to-'day. to-'day. OO The supreme court of the slate ol Washington has fixed the minimum wage of women working In hotels and rcsbb-U rants at $1R a woek. |