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Show I HOUSE SHOrlTAGE I teridke I Chamber of Commerce Here Urcied to Act Against . j Bad Conditions j jjioRiani looking lo the Improve- Mom or the housing situation was ad-Lariced ad-Lariced in declarations adopted iv He National Chairfbcr at ConiineTcii at ihe sos-xions which hftVO liwrt 1 loai I at VVaahlngton, according to Secretary t. J. S til vol I of the Ogrdoii Chambcr HH .f Comrrlerc" VVltli reference ,r- the hicrtlng, Secretary feMUvglJ lid, OMBIXl 1. IRV ID' "The continuance ol .(vm' ,s.. ia HHT M alleged combination!! in the b illd- ng Industry and thr- punishment ot niilty parties is urg In om- rcMnlu-H rcMnlu-H iton which pledge Members of the conference to thote Kho are rtringing the tacts o light. HH "It was s t forth in another dur.ia- ration thai tht preseril house Biiortago ii the L'nlttl Stales constitute a HH pTav Wallace to the pHyaicill tealth Mid moral well-being of the A.meri HHJ U ople, dontfucea to disebnterrt and unrest and will, if long continued, load to lessened efficiency and nrodue-livity. nrodue-livity. and that providing and main,' (lining an adequate- supply of Rood HH Dwellings is essentially a business Th Conference urged thai i hbnstituent member organization of Un chamber, of commerce of th I nil'd Slates M' . opi ra 1 ion with the j nktlonal chamber. VI I V ST1 1 "Make, or cause to he irVrtde, a thorough study of tin- situation in Its own eoniinunity WliiCh will bring out ;.' jne facls as to house overcrowding, erection of unfit houses and changes a hour, plans or construction that i' in! to rol the dwelling of its char-HH char-HH lictei- as a home. Cased upon the results of such y:3-fl nupy dopt a constructive program Designed to secure adequate andi HH wholesome housing for an the people. HH Sal minimum standards for light, HHJ ventilation, water supply, sanitation phd proper construction and main-HH main-HH Mriance for ail dwellings. ! ' "Take such action as max- be it Rfcessary to make its conclusions f- BrI Hi 00 |