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Show I TIGERS TO MEET I BIIIIIS TONIGHT Championship Hoop Game to Be Played on High School Floor 0(.ItF I I IM(). H w. l: Pet. Kivls High 0 1.000 Ogden HiBh 2 JJ Box Elder High ' i Morgan High 0 3 "" Weber S'ormal 0"u Tniiiphi Games, At leii l'fivi n. gr.l' ti At Brlghsnn Weber vs Brliham. i J Tun f.ixt guiles ;a n th curd for this v,. pine li ih- "'t'fl' ii ilnlslun l.ns- kMbll race, hi Ogden the coniesl between ilie le.Hiling Davis high s( liool hoopsters is attract nm keen Interesi while the .-ontest. slated for Brlgham ntv between the Box Elder uninl and the" Weber Normal five M alj" slated B :l headline;-. 'V hundred Studeiita B of the Weber Normal college will ai- B tend ihts battle, With the D.ivis hodpsters on I in B front with a clean slate the Tiger quint ; B is out to defeat their rivals. Thus B faj- thi season the Tigers have lost B bu one battle in the league competl-j Hons, this contest iii trie dropped to the B Ddftlfl aggreuaiion at Kaysville two ureke ago- B The Tigers will start the game with B Knudsoh t centdr: Farnofl and Tho- B mas, forwards; Smith and Skeen at j B gnurds. Officials for the rorttesl were B nut decided upon this afternoon, hut i B it is expected that id Ashton will B force. The contest is latcd to atari at B i. m. sharp. |