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Show 3TKughter and His SoiT 4 Gar Married Life Story by I PAH McGLQNE GIBSON 1N CONFIOENCP f'kno-. K.. hl " ; v-nu forisoiten nifr childhood fvVVl V PPOsIn m Id MS for cdil' iter ii" Uiod." I '''or Ann. K'hxl '," wanl 'r"1,i "U Kenneth. Pr- 5?r.he.dld net want any-knnr any-knnr btte- ,han ,hf D,d ! dWMan'! walked 10 the v.-ln-J 5JS J'.'"',, m- father." " he n I Mill 11... on f 1 ,bb fr ' f 1 I 1 ,. BecauSf !, r?r. n, vani nyon It,: ponlne around int... mv affairs 1 "ii. nn: I a. knovle.lKe.l Kui( ,.ns, , ... L If ",ukl,,:' lnto Mr " to sec if he RMUtt more than h but I answered bravely, l hope an Apnn rroryihlne to aui you. fir. Ha" TYou ar. n foil are. my efiAd I have dever hud anyone thai i truyt a. inn liclily o. I do "Kath.-r." broke In K. i,. "what ... you fr-'lnp to do iibo-u the matter we ,lis-cuHred ,lis-cuHred yesterday? My boy. I am Ko'inp to make ymi a present of fi . thousand dollar I do not ianl a inortBpe on vour bouse iti :nid pa. for ilra.eV royal raiment. I.ui make it dear t.. , r that she! mual ffevei ..K.iln Imy a COSjl worth :. ktnr'a ran- I som. Ken'p txbreaclon waa ., attiriy sr- prlai and relief were in turn blotted but kratinide lie jumped from the chair ami xragpinK hM father's hand. shI.i. Oh. ilau, 1 can neer thank you noiiR l iiid not know ttiat Grace was golnc (.. bu) thai coal and I was at mv wli end to pay for It. I don't think she nI11 be n- foolisli acnin.'' Won t she." I whispered to myself as I turned discreetly awuv. so thai Ken iniff'.it not be aware th.it" I had noticed tilt tears in his eye. ) At that moment anj:er toward Hr.v. knew no bounds. "In thanking me. yon must r.ot overlook over-look Ann." .Mr. HaLsey said.. "I asked her this morning ir she knew anylhtUs al out Orave's i-oat and sue told me she had heard il cost five thousand dollar I think 1 lob' patience with th. extravagance extrava-gance of your wife and I -aid sometrinf: rather caustic. I put two and two together to-gether and decided that om were going to borrow the mom y from me to pay for it Mm Ann made me nqt thai it was my duly (o irlvc you the mnnn a present, pres-ent, for with n yon could purchase the BTatesl thln In the world peace of mind." Tomorrow--A Tens.- .Moment. |