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Show MOTHER GLEARS UP DEATH OF OGDEN TEACHER Dying Parent Gives Story or Maude labor's Last Hours LAWToW Mich.. Feb 4. Maude Tabor Virgo, v.hoso death here five jrearfl aso resulted In a mansiauliter Charm n;ainst her S-'-ycur-obl niotl)-er. niotl)-er. died from an anaesthetic, sclf-ad-mfnietered to relieve pain Incident to i hild birth. Mrs. Sarah Tabor, the mother, said in a statement from her sick bed here today- iThe aged worn-an, worn-an, whose first trial yearly a year ajco r suited In a disagreement. It" believed lo be dviiu.. following injuries In a fall three nreeice ago. Mrs. Tabor declared h'w daughter hal ,i premonition of death and ilc.id-L-d with her not to permit her body to be taken to a cemetery. She add-L'd add-L'd that she place it in Maude's hope Miest and lowered It into the buse-ment buse-ment of the Tabor home here by mean; ol rojleS held around door posts. The body was found lone afterward af-terward In the chest buried under a lile of shingles, i HOLDS HI It H VXD. "The day before she died.' said Mrs. Tabor, "he cried over and over Lgaln: ou won't ever let them lake me ..way from you.',' I spent the greater part of the last night with Mailt le holding her hand and assuring, ier I would obey her request.' She inhaled great quantities of! blaroform to relieve pain. Mrs. Ta-' Dor said, and added, "one lime when I Lit the room for a fe.w minutes me must have taken more ol Jt than she realised tor 1 found her body -igld." Mil LK A ESS BODY. "I loft the body lying on the bed 01 about a da? I do not remember lust how long "Tlv more reflected on It the iiore I became convinced I ought to ur the body in the basement. Maude llways had a horror of the COD van-J .'.otiai funeral ahe ostentation and all. hat So I placed the body In the hope best and lowered it Jnto the base- nent myself. |