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Show Iking and queen ! at ascot races: I ASCOT HEATH. ENG.. June 17. j The second day of tho Ascot races drew another great crowd to the course here. Including ihroivgs ropre-'.sentatlve ropre-'.sentatlve of the world were present. The big race of the day, the Royal! Hunt cup. for a silver plate and more (than 2.0UO pounds for three year olds 1 and upward at 7 1-2 furlongs, was (won by Reld Walker's Square Meas-jnre. Meas-jnre. Glenmorln was second and Star Shot third. The betting odds were S I to 1 against Square .Measure. Today'rf 'race for this cup was the first since 1914 when the rare was temporarily I abandoned owing to the war. |