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Show --WETS PREDICT HOT SKIRMISH; IDRY PLANK TO Democratic Chiefs Holding Confabs Before Departing for S. F. Convention NAME WANTED FOR NEW POLITICAL PARTY .Senator'Harding to Hold Conferences Con-ferences With Heads of .j Several Factions F1RBNCH LICK. Ind.. June 17. DemocrAtic party leaders In confcr- cnco here on candidates and platform planks tb'be pre'Rcnted to the national convention In San Francisco predicted that a hot skirmish would result if William Jennings Bryan attempted to insert a "bono dry" declaration In the resolutions. As a retaliatory inovip it might be offered for tho convention s consideration. i The conference hore will probably, end Friday and tho leaders will movO on to Chicago where they expect to, hold further sessions before leuvinsj for, San Francisco. : Qov. Alfred 10. Smith and Charles F. Murphy of New York, said today they wouldujjo in Chicago Saturday nndwould'prtJbjably leave for the west j The" New York leaders. It is uncln-' stoo'sh have not yet reached a decision on a. candidate to be favored by their support. Gov. Smith, it is wild. will receive tho coninllmcntary vole of th? ie,-' Now York delegates on the first Name for Vow Tnvty CHICAGO. Juno 17. The commll- tao -of forty-eiglttr -lvwtB -miyumird today, will present two names from which to select a name for the proposed pro-posed third party when It meets hero July 10 to nominate a presidential candidate. The names are the American Ameri-can party and the People's party. WVnii" llenort f DETROIT, Mich., Juno 17. The Michigan branch of the committee of 48 in Its stale eon.ventioh here June 15. took no action on a resolution proposing pro-posing recognition of the present Russian Rus-sian government, as was erroneously reported immediately after the convention, con-vention, according to the state executive execu-tive committee. It was explained today that the. misunderstanding apparently grew out of tho debate on a resolution declaring declar-ing Against interference in the domestic do-mestic affairs of foreign nations. "The committee of 4S platform is a domestic platform, on American economic affairs ard has not yet con-! eerned lUsolf with international affairs In any way," the executive committee statement said. JIanlini; to Confer i WASHINGTON. June 17. Senator! r. Harding, the Republican candidate I for president, sooifVwill Inaugurate aj xerle.s of Informal conferences wlth( leaders of the various parly groups.. This decision Is understood to have bevy reached ! es'.crdny by Senator' llnrUlngand Walter F. Brown, former I Ohio Progressive leader, and tin? nominee's nom-inee's floor manager at the Chicago convention. Invitations to the conference confer-ence arc expected to go out at once. Friends of Senator Harding said today! to-day! thut it was the plan of Senator 'Harding to keep in view the planks of party lenders when he prepared his xpfli&h formally accepting the nomlna-Tho nomlna-Tho usual number of callers were! expected today. Motion picture men who for the most part have had to ' satisfy themselves with chance "shots" j at the nominee, had prevailed upon, him to set aside a few minutes at his home before going to his office today to allow got them some real pictures. |