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Show Veteran Seadog on His Way to Coast ! , j Captain Martin Williamson with a ' record of ?S continual years of service In the United States navy in company with his wife spent a short time in , Ogden yesterday prior to departing for the coast where they will make their future homo Williamson has perhaps traveled over either the At- lantlc or Pacific ocean more times than any other man living in the naval service of the United States. He Is now on the retired list and will make 'his homo at Watsonvllle. California. I Williamson entered the service of the navy in tho fall of lSSt and with four or five furloughs has been on tho Job continually. He enlisted as a third class seaman in that year, and during the war with Germany was one of the officers In charge of supplies sup-plies for the government In the navy department. - oo |