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Show 1" ( LOOK OUT! FOLKS-I FOLKS-I The Love Expert's In town hookin' the unmarried ones. She's going o Q knock a flock of 'em for a row of Altarc before the'a through. If you I cee anybody bluchlng br timld-IIke, ac If they wanted encouragement, I call us up but better still, amble down and see. CONSTANCE T&LMABGE I "The Love Expert" I I A John Emerson Anita Loos Production 5 I THE ORPHEUM I I TONIGHT, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I MATINEE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I I ADMISSION ......10c and 25c NIGHT I ADMISSION 10c and 20c MATINEE BT O R P H E U M SUNDAY NIGHT. JUNE 20 mmM PRICES 60c 75c $1.00 H I War Tax Additional M CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name nnd address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidnoy Pills' for pain in sides nnd back; rheuma tism, backache, kidnoy and bladdor ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, n wholesome and thoroughly clcans'.nc cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Advertisement. oo THEODORE ROBERTS WITH IB? MILES IIEMliffl Patrons will enjoy a rare treat tomorrow. to-morrow. The screen's groat stas, Theodore Roberts, who played the part of wealth In "Bverywomau," and Mary Miles Minter In "Judy of Rogues' narbor," present the class of pictures Mary Pickford usually plays, the charming little star is excellent ex-cellent In this Real Art special. Advertisement. Eddie Polo in "I he Vanishing Vanish-ing Dagger," at the COZY tomorrow. to-morrow. Be there at 2 p. m. and have your picture taken with the crowd. I Band Instruments Received! I We have just received a fine assortment of the Frank Holton Melody C Saxaphones I Holion Trumpets I EASY TERMS GLEN BROS.-ROBERTS I PIANO COMPANY Attention, Elks! Elks' Charity Fund Dance ?-t Lorln Farr park tonight, for Elks only. Admission Is 60 cents per person. Advertisement. li Look Over Your "If I I1 Wiring Now v I j Save Money on Supplies 1 I jm Everything you need to either replace a broken IM E switch or completely wire a house, is here, De- M ffi pendable wiring supplies of all descriptions sell- K P ing now at 1 Lowest Prices in Ogden 1 I ml You get the advantages of buying at job lot ,lV j&j prices. Big reductions over the usual price IH wN asked in Ogden. Cheesman's quantity buying JB jH Em and volume of business make lower prices pos- H IH M Come to tho big accessories store. Our exper- , H jH lenced electricians will give you valuable In- Jr ffil formation. And you will save money. B 1 Ctieesman Automobile S I I Company I 2566 WashmgtonAM |