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Show 11 ; 4 - o o- o II I jk J r B Noon Luncheon Tussah Silk j Table Cloths Pajatna Checks Long Cloth I I II OF iSlVyiTlS T1.ie fountai.n continues to l l'his is a wonderful silken Here is a rood looking table Sec this pretty yard wide Now is a very good time to If A n t 1 daUf fheold'on fabric, nearly a yard wide in cloth. of mercerized cotton fabric that is in demand for buy long cloth by the bolt. H M jLg Sg gi n iftfF O Se ?n-e -,,-i,m handsome jacquard patterns. that will launder like linen. bloomers, pajamas, blouses. You will want it for gowns, ! 5 . LPllUVU KsUL 2 S ItC-d A good mciicntion v iiiat. smaH suminer frocks The size h 64s64 mieS) a ctCM aild which solls ll0W at for children's wear and oth- ! H Hi I loumaj sun get a ci jnict there is no fabrics you will heavy weight in a very 20c a yard. A lot of bright er uses. This one is 27 inches jjj c luncnccl neie lor muc 1.11. Hke beUer The usua smooth finish. The usual new patterns, tub proof col- wide. . 12 yards to the piece. ! IB H ! I Durill0 this month Of Julie" tO date, 4 value 3.75 cloth for . . . $2.95 ors. 45c is the usual prioe. Usual .$2.2? value . . $1.75 i Hi ! i &j. i u 4.1 nl1Tr JkkT JB.Ji A Silk Section Silk Section Silk Section . Silk Section B i j we have taken m more cash than m any IVOtlOtlS 4 ; . I month of last year excepting December. v ood U i e foi dregg nnl. : j O 7 $ Jl 1 The public has been eager to buy a lot c niThoniTsewers to "provide 'Cnff-fin PrirP at niJS) Fhh JUUC Dales S I ! of things that it needed but high prices ail their immediate want, ' UOiiOH mC&b UL MUUJ IUD JTI ) I II I made general buyilio't very Slow Prices are going higher on these Tlie present price cutting wave is one of retail stocks only. Prices now being quoted lVJLVhlS UiiOp Our&announcemenFof a storewide sale Ionfiiair pills, regulju. 25c. VfV'V1 cafe:,higher . All the supply is not great Pmdent women . There are men who do not -a sale in which every price in the store for ..... ..... 19 -11 take vantage of these savmgs ScalloDed Cases hT vriceto them this I I i would be lowered-has resulted in a wave p abmot, peg- New Voiles uuUV,?Lo. ex- Embr f tltd puiow not be, f interest' But I ou w" 1 ' V VoilB up to 90c value in all the tra good and hcavv. dQ CC Embl0,(lcrcd aml scalloped pillow to the man who wants good 8 Mi j of buying. Wire hair pm cabinets, reg- scason8 lalest noveltieSi good as. Spe(flal $Z.b5 cases, size -15x36. for June bride things to wear and wants them ? H 1 Our Customers have been buying all "Jar 2oc tor . . . ..l sortment. 40 inches wide. yo gifls. Rcglllar 4.40 dj0 7i; at a saving here's news for I H ! . j p 1C 4. rn '4. V.rlm- Rick rack braid, regular 2dc, Special 1 01 valuea. special, pair . . vPO,D y0u I their needs from 15 to 50 per cent undei tor 19 . n Best Muslin Sheets 7 5 ! the usual prices. And they are still making coats' darning cotton, rcgu- r lowerea organelle UUca shedtSi slze 81x99i regular Fancy Pillow Cases Men's Dress Shirts u H ,OCD covino-Q , lar OC, for . . $ 35c flowered organdie in dainty pat- $3.65 values. One of the (No 70 Scalloped and embroidered pillow Ar , . - ! H, I Hicae ociviiigo. Defender safety pins, all sizes. terns, for summer dresses, smocks, very best brands. Special vPZciO cases in beautiful designs, regular ion s dress shirts, made of a fine l j ft 5 These reductions have been at the ex- .-eguiar oc, for .4- etc.. good fast colors . . . . 9Q 3.25 value. d9 rQ ?oe0r0cef,l neaL itrll)es- B ij I pense of our entire profits for the duration Brass pins 300 count, rcgu- v. Bed Spreads special . $2.69 ce . . m $95 j 1 fl j ; of the sale, therefore it cannot continue CiJ- Lingerie Crepe St: frInsed c?0r Plain Pillow Cases Men's Sox' ! '1 Hi i indefillitelV. "lar 20c for COc flowered lingerie crepe, also Gd mcdlum size PJ.60 Oneida pillow cases, size 45x36. ex- A I J This week the June Cash Sales will be M-ce-d - pe. 1 5 . , . "! ,ue- 60c W.?": ? I l0L ' 7? Yard 4HC oCallOPed. OUt LOmerS black or white colors. in 9 I I I m prOgreSS. Middy laces, regular oc, for 4 ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ' scalloped cut corner white satin Seamed Sheets ' 25c -lue 19c ! J, !j Hooks and eyes, regular c White Voiles bed sets, consisting of large bed $1.75 seamcd sheots, size 7Gx00 . Mfillq T)Ppw p, g H 0 101 , ' ' White voile, 40 inches wide, also spread and bolster cover frn qQ good material without t1 ir lUtJIl b UTeSS OapS g j H 1 -L 'Utt Queen darners, regular luc, , colors, regular 75c values in oQ match. $9.75 value .. .0 drea8,ng. Special 41.4D Silk or wool mixtures, good assort- ' I 1 It ? I V)l,QJrLtt & Dinieediesregular 20c' " ' ? H " SprGadS Embroidered CaSCS '. $1.95 S ! . Bi S A rrrr or aPc mTRAnn J01' , oleaCnea jheetingS $11.25 white satin bed sets, con- Fancy embroidered day cases for n r , t , I ? ,: fl y A gUUUTL,ALC IU ttAUB fnstenei-s regular 5c 10--1 bleached sheeting, extra good, sisting of large bed spread with bol- pillows, put up one pair in each iVlen S Nl2Tlt KODeS S v ou1J '"iwiua,. .Bu , regular $1.30 value. Qr ster cover to match, seal- n ftp box. Regular $7.25 flr (Q , i 1 0 J 101 "v Yard . i?jC loped cut corner. Special 3).0 value tPJ.iO Light weight just the thing for f) A 9 O these warm nights. $1.58 (t i oa j ' H I 4 m is ' T A JP7 T valucs' SaleprIce $1. I ! 5Aoe rrices Are Lasier 1 ' i mlZ suits ! The June Cash Sales 'have made the prices of all shoes cheaper. The . WT LA( CT' ' : !K.sSe lf Xle I ' j items you see here are but indications of other values in the store. - . V&V C'jT )J X, 'I , i1 1 1 Children's Shoes Men's Canvas Oxfords Women's New Pumps kzu " YfiLw WwW values to $15.00. sale ia ' J I One table children's shoes in gun Men's canvas oxfords in white or Women's patent leather one eyelet J - MS&S I kl0 ( A1'Ht$0IP pHCe .plv j ' nifitn) with "ood Lea soles, a good Palm Beach, Englisn last, a good pumps, in baby Louis and French J&Wa Ll tii" r U WGilyV J0M0 to ft -r n n, at j - I Sioe for hard wear, black and dress slipper In sizes 6 to 10. heels. $12 values. n Qr X:4Ml& 3-? JM"WA?te&fe Men's Sof t Shirts 5 1 brown lace or button style, sizjjs Valucs to $5.00. o qp Special ipO.JJ JPPMtI ftX 61 ' t c m ? Values to S3 M OC Downstairs tpO.uD First Floor V JBfedm &HfiHMr& i -iL2 fiZpY Men's dress shirts with soft collar Z I Inoniai Na,uesi- ibl.ob ttt , riv T Tr-J t ifflKSl TMSB ' 'I f flnl I ' attached .made of a silk and linen j H apeuicii . . women's biippers women's ma rumps WyWSk B1 nllof'A mixture, gray and pongeo dC 0 c U'U ) CJi-i-Ppvio ne taljl women's strap slippers Women's black kid pumps, one eve- riV M n kPk' w a vJl sgol l f V A colors. $6.50 values .... ipj c Jffe A Onllaren S OCUliei S With low heels, a fine house slipper let style In leather Louis and mill W$ ? 3Wa CTfM fS V n n , jSB A Jf 6 One table children's ankle tie, black for tired feet, in sizes -1 to 8. Louis, heels, values to $10. frn rr ffiSggai X fsH?rffi -" -.l&g J o 0 Jl-JsM Painfpr' OvPrall5 i or brown, scuffer style, sizes 5 to Values to $4.00. (hn Qr Special $7.05 QlwW PHSF TKgP . X tmici & VCldllb J 11 ' 11. Values to $2.75, M OC Special tyL.Ud First Floor & feViw;S8j BKlHHStfDrfiJWU t VVi-SlSi Painters' white overalls. (M nC I 'ffl ? Special . tPl.OJ Downstairs . BB? WB ISS:lmM VVISiiaiJ heavy weight. Special . . tpl.yD K HK ' 2 Downstairs Pliillroi-i'c Qlinnovc WOmeirS Plain PumpS VMmf$ Lee union overalls for men, blue .! S Men'S ShoeS rt ? V" Women's plain opera pumps in pat- - vfflwiSMSlPfffW " Vo'SSSl khaki or stripe. $6.50 djror I .1 H ' on. t.hil mon'tSoes in wide or ?"e lhl clldrei1 S sIlPP,er8u .in ent. black and brown kid, leather V WW values- SPeclal 5.0 I J w One table mens 'bhoes in w ice or Mary Jane style, patent and white Louis heels valuea to S10 rf i r K&3v .SSm o fw c 1 1 H A narrow toes, a good dress work canvas in sizes o t0 1L Louis heels, values to 10- $4.65 WSFXx V?TlUl MpT1 Wftrk liirfe A f' I shoe, black or brown, lace style, values to $2 75. Special . $1.95 bpecIal ' ' : SPA SPt 'v VP 1 WOrK CnirtS (j ffi 1 lirlneciaf' ValU0Sl S5.45 Downstairs 'JTVK C V) ) Men's work shirts, McDonald made. 2 H- I ?1 P Downst'airs PhlkWn TlHflk Women's BrOWn TieS M KA-?. JJ X made of a heavy chambray In dark I IH l ? TOUU xrrlo lUAUICil & OclllUdAS Women's brown one Theo tie, 1 , . I blue, light blue or gray colors " I , A b-irlS W mte UXIOraS Children's and misses' sandals with French heel, the newest stvle. Reg- W o " $1.45 values. Sale l Ifi I ? Misses' white canvas oxfords in bal good Lea soles and a heavy brown uiar price 513. Special . tn nr 1 1 o price . . tpLlg & style with welt soles and a good upper, sizes 5 to 2. Values i np price PO.i7D , - o K J heavy upper, sizes ll1, to 2. Val- to $2.50. Special ..... opl.JJ First Floor W V fTO Q 7 I " 1 j splclai'3:0 MenOxfords Girls' White Pumps tlftttYt&V M YfbfchR mh I June Safes V HO Pj Downstairs Men,fl oxfords m r wWe Qr narrQw ChUdren.8 wnlte canvas Mary 5ane Uf M IS B C-W M ML M JF U JL A j c FUmpS and UXIOraS toe, a new slipper, just arrived, in Sizes 3oto 5 . . $1.20 v Ifffflti QtfVgVGi c U r J Women's oxfords and pumps in cherry. Sizes 6 to 10, all Sizes 5 to S $1.50 p - . ,. . , . . . , JLSJJUB & , ' ! B fe f 5&hAsr,Hsuir7c. S r4: . $10.85 ISS 1&VI :::::: : 1 he becond Hoor is alive with activity. 1 his summer sale Have look a u., dowb. S !P f H' H to 7. Values to $8. Special D.D Downstairs First Floor f f 1 ' 1 Tiii Tl il 1 stairs store where the household i '( J: t : ; ; or frocks is getting a lot or attention. Inese are the cool, okeuL-and don,t i I ! June Sales A. Fresh List 2nd Floor clean looking dresses that women are now wearing on the Mer? &sc3 f -jfa J ij Downstairs Js -g 04,. street5 in home at resorts? etc Stricdy tub proof j I Dre9SeSSeLSf.fn S? is -x HEs&,u,! materials; ginghams and good voiles It is a lot of dresses Z c? ( j ; g center with a very neat lace edge. . f b Uful cmaiitv rurned lace and embroiderv all M nr ! l 1. J 1.L If f can seI1 tlus lulIy earanteed 1 H J our 11.76 values. Special, $j ,r btSn, rtii? 4 T M itai. ?3 vaSeTscVal 1 $1.95 that tiaS COITie tO US Wlthlll the WCeK 110111 OUF OtllCe 111 Iron, a ?7 value, Qr j b Wash Cloths g-M&L-.- New York Most of them are the USUal $25 Values. At Hose Brooms Jl D Wash cloth, with a blue border of l-Tirife DUUimer lUb SI,ienflid einBham strlctlv washable i . r 1 s r- 1 n irii riu & rll j medium weight material; Cet what A beautiful assortment of children's Xl stew fVlA cop nriPP nf 4i I QS hhpv rP VPllv WnnHprflll 7!alnPC ?, de f by.m, for", SeWed four I 11 a vou need now at, or organdy hats in white and colored, ,lns. ,"8rn o"' 35 tHc SSc PllCc Ol P I . J LllCy dlC IcdUy WOilUcIiUI VaillcS. times, varnished handle, medium c m I 3 for ZdC very newest styles, plain and em- usu-j0 values, bpeciai W.jo size, 65c value. zlft 6 i "li ? broidered, trimmed. Values (1 qp MUSilll JT ettlCOatS 4 Special If ' - B A Girls' Straw HatS 10 ?L5- sI)eclal Pl-" Women's muslin petticoats made of i, m i f ' f i'8 SrT Boys' Wash Hats tSZ'SXt. Toilet Goods Fancy Goods Needlework Alarm Clocks i .rVII P knc r'rera: 3PcVia:u.es: $1.45 ,0.,-. LonsilkGloves a few op the exoep. 'WS i 1' i UCS- opecKi1' etttu Values to 2.50. (1 yir Wnrnpr Tftrsph regular $1.25, for , , ni , . TIONAL VALUES POP. NEF case' cxLra arge f,ure3 on dial, I A A n i Special ., tpliD Y dmer OrbeiS Women's long silk gloves, Niagara i-J-JNAi. ViiL.UJi,to x Uiv iNiiij- regular ?2.60 value. M TP r H AprOIl LringnamS pi :iJ) q 11TnTnpr Vpcfs Warncr's rusl Proof corsets, front Rexall Iron and Cascaria M Maid, double finger tips, colors are DLEWORKERS. Special tbl.5 ' 5 Women's gingham aprons in assort- 'Uiiiiu. & ouiuiuci V caw and back lace brocade material in white, black, gray, tan, $2 (t i i p I 'l ft ed sizes and colored plaids; these Childreas summer vests madE of pink elastic top and medium bust, valueSt special $1.41) .TeaSlinnn 2 B have ruffle edging, our OylC me ribbed cotton sizes 6 months long hip, 55 values. o qp Pentona ' $1 . . tj i 'i-CclOpUUnS H H I ?2.75 value. Special, each $Z.4b to 2 years. Values to 50c. Special $L)d PePtona. TT ArtlltlO Packages Rogers' nickel silver ware snlen I ' MnQlin PptHpnate Special . . Dt R Belt Corgets right's Pure Cocoanut, Cas- or Silk Haild BagS Consisting of Infants' and children's di,Vr evcry day use' I H MUSlm retUCOalS Bathing SuitS Kongo belts made of heavy male- tilo Soap, 3 for ZDC . J n nl Cftl' s with neat shield fir ( I lwla Off1. $175 5 Sa nemo Baby CastUe nd lue $3.19 $1 Water Sete j I I ues. Each Jpl.4D J'II n I M ToolliVrushea' 1ft Stamped Centers CuL glass, clear crystal, tlvo pint j H ' Curtain Remnants LaCCS, KlOOOnS, tLITlb CtV rosula.r ;5c;,for ,; V ' ' 19 Children's .Hand Bags 8up.d cu. m.. . 2S& Sbfc,: t,h SI Tfikl I Remnants or marquisette in the . -r.v, a i. -i Howara s Buttermilk Cream, pp Children's hand bags, made frfJ color, assorted designs, some are SeO of seven pieces , tpZ.Zj I H H ! 9 Plain vhite. splendid for making HaiT BOW Ribbons AutO CapS Jav? R?ce Face bright pretty silks, each one has ., stenciled. Values to ?2. fiQ J curtams, our 45c values. on Wright's hair bows, ready to fasten Auto. caps. Plain, checked and pL-flPr 4jC little vmirror. GOc values. aq Special- 0i7C Dinner Sets II H f Special, yard ud 0n the hair, clasp attached, plain striped material. Styles are becom. Arpniholatum" Jo Special 4oC . m , I H I A T-Kln PlfVic and fancy ribbon, light and ing to every one. Values to on recular 50c 4jC Guest TOWelS . 12 piece dinner set. English hard c I 1 laDie LlOinS dark colors. Special, each KJC ?1.35. Special, each .... OiC dawtrv cdcpi'ai" q' NnrrnwT.JiPPC porcelain ware decorated in attrac- A 1 I Linen table cloth, ready made with TnrpVlPnn TPPQ nU'ffi A 4. T'l svmon,,J chocolatP and o ' dA1UV Easy designs for children to em- live wide band pattern. tft nc I i blue or. red border, size 40x46, a lOrCneOIl ia CCS ChlftOn AutO Veils brlZ, .fm 36fi Narrow laces of val and torcheon. brolder. Stamped on good quality Regular $20. Special . 3)9.95 H Hi I splendid extra cloth. 60 d or Torch jonlace Ecru shade, Cocoa, - foi JUt buck. 36c vWa. nn n i H ' value. Special, each . . 3Z.Zi) 1', TTea 27c very special. Yard 9c Special 23c CaSSerole j H I Red Table Covers special, yard. ..... lie Spcclal each ; 5yc m j b coffee 57 Women's Vestees Laundry Bags c,aaseroIe and fram- pyrox oven, j -c Turkey red table cloth in the 10-4 Organdie FlOUnCing T . MJB Coffee tf0 'TC & V COLCCa JU1" Slass casserole with cut glass cov- ? I size; these are splendid for ever?- Organdie flouncing. Very sheer. Handkerchief S "five pounds ' . tpZ.lJ Vests of net trimmed with lace and Hand stenciled laundry bags, made er in a well made triple QC I iH I day use, our ?3.25 values. to QP A'enise lace edge and daintily em- Extra values, French, hem. Em- Opeko Coffee, ground, on tucks- hish or lovr neck' for aults of heavy white art madras. 70 Plated silver frame .... tpO.yj S jH 5 Special, each LtVO broidered, 27 inches wide, f 9 on broidered corner. Regular nr 2 for d dresses, values to ?S. tfM no 85c values. Special. . . . JC n , ni r, . c I Center Pieces ValUGS t0 $1 Yard--- - size, special, one dozen . . DC Liggctfs Green and Black special, each pi.O CUt GlaSS Set I Center pieces for the round center Cuff and Collar Sets Embroideries Tea' 2 for D0C JeWelrV SDecials DreSSer ScarfS Cut glass sugar and creamer A " 1 I table wltli lace edge; these are Pique collar and cuff sets, for worn- Embroidery of Swiss and cambric, Symond's Beef Cubes. nr J f , . trImmefl wlth hp.,M very useful size, heavy crystal i I made of -splendid materials, our en and girls' suits or dresses, un- especially good patterns for under- 2 for OUC Consisting of brooches, earrings, ssiampea anu inuwueu wuu oeauu- blanks, decorated with deep meter I $1-50 values. Special. S1 OC usual values. Special, wear, children's clothes, etc. Af Svmond's Lemon. At fancy combs, lavaliers, etc., pa ful filet lace and inserts. (J0 in cutting. $3 value. 1 ah I each pl.D each DjC Values to 85c. Yard . . . 49C ' 2 for , . . . 4lC values to l,25. Special JVC $2.75 values. Special . . J.1J Special ipl.95 I (()()()4S()(i()oni)()()oon( r t in u ,, m u bt t r t " " nr n )'()-ii)'-'B,',aB -)-l1 "'()'n)K)()M.()MB,l).a,,lfa m twju |