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Show (CHOPS, RANGES IN GOi SHAPE Favorable Weather Conditions Prove Beneficial Throughout Through-out State tr i Crops and ranges have benefitted I from tho favorably .weather conditions 'of The last week, according to the 1 weekly bulletin Issued yesterday by J. Cecil Alter, director of the Salt Lake office of the 'United Slates weather I bureau. The brhjf rain of yesterday 'afternoon was too light to be of any; marked agricultural value. The report follows: ; "Good growing weather prevailed, especially for Irrigated crops, though j fiS It has been more than throo weeks' since rain fell, some dry land grains, and lower ranges would bo helped by. a good rain. Tho wheat crops are genrally In excellent condition. Fall ( wheat on dry land has been- cut at; St. George and the Irrigated crop Is ripe: fall wheat Is coming Into head and thriving in the more northerly; alleys, though showing the drought effects on Levan ridge. Cane Is com-J ing up to a fairlyvgood stand at Oak City. Corn Is generally above- the; average. . I "Sugar boebJ are In the best of con-j ditlon at Mantl. and generally good j elsewhere- Tomato, cabbage and oth- ct sets, and potatoes are doing wcllj generally. Tho canning pea, crop Is ; blooming at Heber and setting well elsewhere Alfalfa cutting continues generally, with good crops reported: i cutting is about done at Kanosh and i Kannb. ! "Strawberries are about gonf , at Salt I-ake and Webor valleys. Cur-! rant and gooseberry bushes are loaded load-ed at RIandlng. Tree fruits have done' i well aa a rule in the major districts, the general outlook being Improved. 1 Apples and plums are fine at Reaver. "Roses, peonies and other flowers' are unusually abundant and beautiful,! though somewhat belated, at Salt Lake' City and Ogdon. Livestock have done , : well, with good pasturage generally, i Sheep shearing is progressing at Afton. but Is generally done elsewhere. ( "Heavy shipments of steers arc re-; ported by the La Sal notional forest supervisor, and cattle, sheep and swine' shipments from Price have been hcavv. The range was never better and stock are fine at I-alictown. "Highways are still dusty and rut-i ty. the principal roads having grown somewhat worse, as a general rule." |