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Show oo Mil OF SILT UKE FAVDRS Th BOYCOTT SALT LAKE. April 11 The campaign cam-paign of club women to boycott bul ter as a protest against what thev consider con-sider to bo the unfairly high pner now demanded by the retailers yes - 1 terday received tho Indorsement oft Ma'ui Mont Ferry. Mayor Kerry wrote a letter to Mrs. W, F Adams, who is at. the head of the boycott move, 'commending the action of the women wom-en lie wrote. In part: "I have noted with much satisfaction satisfac-tion the action taken by your orsanl-cation, orsanl-cation, on behalf of all the people in J this community, as a protest against i the excessively high price of butter. 'While I gladly admit that the sale; of foodstuffs should show a fair pro - I fit to those handling these products, yet I am convinced that not only butter, but-ter, but also other foodstuffs are being be-ing sold at unnecessarily high prices "Permit me to assure you of my hearty support and of any co-operation which I can give or which can; be ien by the municipal market. Ij am of the opinion that through the! municipal market much saving can be I made by citizens If they will lovally support that Institution." Butter is the only article which thet club women are at present actively! boycotting, though it is possible that the same weapons may be used against other foodstuffs, the price of which is found to be unfair. Eggs are made special mention of In tho monthly! storage report of Walter M. Boyden,' state dairy and food commissioner, lorj March Mr. Boyden's report shows a great increase in the number of eegs consigned to cold storage during March. While bur nine and one-half i .-' were stored in February, l-l.'?1? cases and 48. 82 dozen were put in eold storage plants in the state during March. The retail prlc of ec;? continues at 50 cents in the city, while in the country coun-try eggs of the best quality can be purchased for 35 cents. Other commodities com-modities placed in cold Ktoragc for 1 March were as follows: Fresh meat, S70 029 pounds; salt meat, 1,582.774 pounds; poultry, 100,048 pounds; cheese, 23,210 pounds, and butter 2716 pounds. i i |