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Show I Balanced Farming Is Advocated by Utah Expert (By F. S. Harris, Director, Experiment Experi-ment Station, U. A C.) During Lhe period ot the war, farmers farm-ers were called upon Co produce the things that were necessary in iho emergency. This offeu led to unbalanced unbal-anced systems of farming, it became necessary to raise the same crop yeai afir year on the same land regardl of its effect on the Roll. It was more important to win the war than to keep the land in good condition. Now that the war Is over, however, it is the duly to return to sound systems of farming. farm-ing. PracticeB that wore justifiable, during dur-ing the emergency should no longer be tolerated. Tho government does not longer ask the farmer to sacrifice his own interest by raising any particular particu-lar crop. He is at liberty to farm In the way that would be most profitable. He is merely given tho ever-whole-pome advice to save as much ;is possible possi-ble and tn produi us efficient ly and as cheaply as he can. The present 1 call is not for any particular crop, but to place the farm on a well balanced system that will yield lb highest profit and. at thf same time, keep the land In a high state of productivity In the pat the farmer made large profits from certain products on account ac-count of war prices, but he must not roncltide that tin : auio high prices must continue likely they will not. This is a very poor time tot speculation specula-tion in farming; the results aro too uncertain, it is a splendid time for the farmer who has been prosperous to set his house in order. 10 pay his di bts, and to put his business on a permanent basis Never wa. the out look better lor tho farmer who prac-Licea prac-Licea pood standard methods, and never were prospects poorer for tho slip-shod farmer. The planning of a definite system of crop rotation, the securing of prof-iLablo prof-iLablo types of livestock, the purchase pur-chase of new machinery, the erection of need farm buildings, and the organization or-ganization of the farm on a more sound basis; these are among the Items that should not engage the attention at-tention of lhe farmer. He should do everythinc possible to balance his system of farming no that he can prosper pros-per no matter what condition arises. |