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Show - 4.. a' i(jih ? OJALV1I.LE. UTAH. bfcFT.26, YoufdYou tw hwiwlT Urn 1902. tebtaj IMW Mow uAh tMMW bta coBmw COBMaOlif MS le am aU COUNTY NEWS. &m of Gather! bj isferest tons Our e f Cointj. Uam, 8P- Kamao, Samoa - 24, 0908. Tina: W am having vary nice day and eool migbta in ihia part of the county. Team are bosy a am hading the aee-o- d lot til brick lor the meeting hoaee, John C. Lambert ie home again and la feeling romewhat better after being in the hoepite) a lew arvcke. Dr. P. 11. 8- - Lynch baa removed from Sill former office and now orcnpiea the yeeideace ol Biahop Atwood. Elder F. II. Wright and William Hod eon ol Coalville were the mieaion ith Counrice here Bundey. They selor Will.am Cre and D. E. l'ack (poke Jvtbe people on timely topice. i MARION f - . Marion, Utah, Kept. 24, 1902. SEanon Tuans; A reorganiaation ol the Marion bun-daschool wsa effected en eooday, Sept. Slat, aa follows : Superintendent, John X. Lemon i aaeiatants, Janie A. Peter 8oreneen; eeeretnty ad treat nr er, May Lewis; asaistant, Vbristianos Boreas ; organist, Sarah naaiatant, Chriitianna Roy WoolsUlt' ffioreuronj librarian, a and lull ol teachers. A eorpa Jrelms, waa also organised, Association Trimtry ' I follows: President, Jnlin Redden; ounselora, Ellen WooUtenbolme and latk PeUrton ; secretary and treasurer, Halt a Lamo.QBIbop Daniel Lambert ad Counselor lied Pack o( Kama were la attendance. Wool-aUehal- if rHA. . r.PaoA, Utah, Sept. . 14, 1901 Cyrroa Tirana i . The Ban Of U thrashing naechiee la 1 again Beard la the land... Mile I still confined BlriXwlM. Bed J' Aehec threegh stake ere. ent to Balt Lake liiaa Leols Walk She Drat ol the week le attend ichool. Albert Worths nl test valnakle Berta th first ot the week by its eating too -- wench wbeeL f 4 , t E. II. Rhd,T.L.Alln,J.T. Thoeap-w- , William Hodeoa and otBertbave eompletsd the preliminary adrvey for he reeervoira and returned Borne en Tneeday As to tBalf report, ee will it , U ' 4 It la sold that Mies Mery Walks? boa keen engaged to leech too district acbool t Pino View. The yoeng lady wont to Celt Lake the Bret of the week end will waters ia lime le take ap acbool ee Monday. Mrs. Lydia E, Walker and Mr. Lore If attain preeeated jeer oorreepondeel wrUk ebateepptee lhe Irate! to week that were grown In Peoe. Foe flavor, womtdneee end eolee they were, lar to any that nm brought bore bom She lower valleys. The trait waa free tram worms, which mskethena more acTwo to one twice ceptable. Tbaaks. or again. , t ' B. R. K. Viaa. aucaroat. koctroar; Dtah, SepL iMtoa . i i t Twaa 24, 1908 : Mrv. Smith and daughter Mary are in - fl dt Lake after fruit. Porn, thle morning, to the wile el Alfred Sten-fcrldge- , a eon. The weal her was quite' cold the Bret of the week bat it le mock warmer new. , Jeaae Beamons has gone to Logan, where he will attend echocl nt the Agricultural College. Elderi Enoch Brown ami Thorn a Beard were the epeekere at our Sabbath kneeling on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Stembridge were called to 11 outer. Salt Lake county, Shte week where their uncle i lying daogeronsly ill. A surprise party waa had on Monday craning in honor ol Mrv. Vernon, it being her TAth biitbdey. All ei preseed khemeelves aa having a good tune. We Rope (he may enjoy many more returns I tbe day. A CenuawiNi E wto a Allow me to apeak a lew words In lavor of Chamberlain's Cough Ur. Remedy. I suffered lor three years wiib the brooch Hi sod could not sleep at mights. I tilmTaererel doctors and variue patent medicine bol eoeld get nothing twelve see any relef until my wile got a bottle of thle valuable medicine, which turn completely relieved me. W. 8. Brock man, BwgualL, Mo. Tbit remedy la sold by John Boydeia A Sec Druggists. WaiisaTtM. Utah, EDrre Tims Coalville hvpt-L- - j Onr district m Am) npenml f ith as Enrollment of thirtrvr . j Ilavid Mcore left here last lE'klgy with lour uni ol csttle for I he olwkt marI- ' ket. The Y. L. M. I. A bare taken up their leeeons lor the reason with e rhange ol office re. t J. hi r home niismonsriee hosilay were K. lemon ol Marion end Kdward Kirhins of Coalville few of her Mrs. Rigby entertained friends at supper Isel Saterduy in honor of her 40th birthday. Miss Hattie E'liot has returned to Park City. Miss Netue Wilson went with her to visit for a few weeks. been the children h quite sick with bad eolde, some are confined to the bouse and cannot attend e:hool. number wf One of James Wilsons little boys fell from a fence Sunday, striking his arm one cedar poet and making a as rare wound. Tha thrashing machine w'il commence The farmere have been somewhat delayed io getting up their crape oo account of the dorm. work in a few days. Home ujiiutmri TJHECr John plskruend Edmund Ktes wets the epealjtrsst our Afternoon meeting n Bundey Distilled, "Scientifically Naturally Aged. Absolutely Pure, Btt tn4 tafttt for v4. The adjourned meeting of tbs temporary organ iiattoo of the Weber River Reservoir A Irrigation company gill be held at Morgen City oa Friday, October lOtb, 1902, nt 10 e. m.. to electa per manent boeid of nine directors,! from each of the coontieeol8ommit, Margin, Davis and Weber, nnd one ei large. Summit county is entitled feenty votes, as follow : Francis, 1 f Dimas, 2, Marios. 1 ; Oakley, 3; Ieoa, J , lock-po- rt. I; Wanship, 2; HoyUviDr, 2; Coalville, 2; East Coalville, ! ; Cptsn, 1 ; Echo, I ; HehMer, 2. The dehgatea elected to the Ugdea conveotien Roald cast these vote, or there may bl tie full number ol tweoty delegates. Bit there only one ie sent end the ward hM two vote authority should be given ia writing to tha delegate to cast the teovotea. The bishops of the various wards ee requested to cell meetiaga on Wtdweday evening, October 1st, at 8 p. nnto fill vacancies and traniact sack other kusi 1 be ueceassry." The T. L. AiAin'Churasn. W. W. Fbmicis, Eecretary. 11 Fr Sal i Caalnfl Ay J. H. EAXIi. SERVICE, EQUIPMENT TRICK. iJinvMsa jmi ere' ' These Saits Cannot be equaled p,Stoik Price. VIA -- Union Pacific eoAtsVibLE FOR ALL Eastern Points. TEBUTEIIZS CHS TSIOUfiF Kusu CKj, SL A Neat and Nobby .Lot of DULY to Chletlt, Ful, -- W1TB- Dlrtel tid Cmtdlau for tk , Kut SontkeuL Dr. W VISICK 1 Dentist. Utah isi o. w. french; m I wea treated hr three year by good le, doctors, write W. A. Greer, PhyaleU sad bigsew. O., br Pile, and Fietula, AT RSTdESCE OFFICE but, when all failed, Bocklens Arnica Ealvu cured me in ten weeks. Cures CealviOg Office hour from Borne, Brule Cats, Corns, gores. Erupfbfp. aa.. tion, Halt Rheum, Piles or no pay. 2fic I all whocan should ebwve kb areboai t Beydeus drug tter. nt neereeyaaaikls. d., . Up-to-Da- te lHTo.it Also a fine line of Detailed information cheerfully fur oiahed oa appllcntiou. re . 0, 1. WHEADOlf, Agent. . Coalville. Utah . STREET SKIRTS. M R. Salmon. Goatee stamped C C C. BstoraallteMk. Bewurt afthedealar whs tries to aaQ smirtTilagjnat aggead. I - s f AT BOYDENS NOTICE. pro-eetia- 2-- eo-op- Street Iliii-tpel-U ; dumra MiCon-nellevil- for the 1 Elder Monroe Hixson, who Lae been tu on n mission in New Zealand for the e. past three years, sailed on the 29th hr A Bays Wilde Bide fvi ttfe. home. He will visit the Samoan nnd With family around expecting him Sandwich islands and will not arrive die and a son riding lor life, Hailes, to home lor about two months. to get Dr. Kings New Bi eceveiy lor Mrs. Arthur Brown gave n party ia Ooasomptla,Ceegh and Otdd V. H, honor el her ton Frankie's seventh Brawn, of Leesville, Iad.n , entered birthday teat Setarday. Borne twenty deethe agonies from asthma, bat, this tote about bie age were present. Loach, wonderful medicine gave instant relief now candy and ante were served sad the lib and soon cured him. He writes tie eeee had a lovely time. Borne pres- sleep eoandly every nighL Lika mar, ents were given the yoeng man of which veloo cures Ceasemptioa, Peeunonia, ' he le very proud. Brauchitk, Coughs, Colds aadGrip prove its metchlee merits tor all Ik rest RCBO. and Long troubles. Gearanteed iottlee Echo, Utah,. BcpL, 24, 1902,.... 50c and SL0Q. Trial botllet Ire N Boy-de- ui Edttou Tinas: drttg itere. The Grover slaters ol Morgan are worko- - b. o ing at theFlshar Hots). The pay car weot through Sanday and KAe ffvsMUN, m Operw Inm let TtmeeRWHa. j u ide the railroed boye happy. Pablic interest la the pheeopma ef llopkia and Brim will load a ear id animal magnetism baa Bvevkcf more oate hare tomorrow lor W.jO. Kaynf eobeieatielly ebowa thea at tjkg yreaeot Ogden. time, aad realising this to b,U4 case, g Boa Hopkin aad hit bride returned the management takes pieasweia to bis patreneea Moaiay eight, from their wedding tour tbu latter part last week. 8ept. 39th, th Griffiths, eh erf headIn tbe hypnotic profoeatia Prof. lines The Coalville thrashing machine baa B. Griffith is from theecbcd gf Nanc, been here thle week thrashing ont some 0. nnd while not lb oldest end kit known ol oer farmers crops. in this line, has met with mherkabl Viola "Brim left last Sunday for Balt aeeceaa tbe pest twosenaona Beta eons Lake, where she will reaame her atudiee peratively a young man sad there it at the University. nothing stereotyped ia kg action, The U. P. hue a party ol surveyors either oa or off th stage. Be tell an bore making turyeya p re par lory lur work audience in e tew words wlaitbey do nest year which will ba done between not knew abont bypnotitarad then proceeds to show them ekalbedoea hxe sndJOgdea. know and that ba knew ksmetblng The grading work In Echo canyon ia worth showing I atteoted iaky every a out completed. The graders are mov- critic that has ever bad tkeboaoraf ing to other quarters and the once lively seeing him from th feet thatb baa canyon is now deserted sod looely. tested the capacity of arfy every Miss Rebecca Walton returnad boms theatre where he baa appeared tbit to Oaalvltle Bo ads y. 8b has been working at the Fisher Hotel for some A Pareons Noble Act. t me end has mads many friaode during 1 went all tbe world to kumr' writes her stay bare. C. J. Bodlong, ol Aekiwky R- - I Rev. Our old frieadJ. J. Irwin, w be was e a thoroughly good m4 reliable bat operator at this place for some time, but medicine 1 leond in FJrctnj Bitten. who ie now located at Evanston, passed eared me of jnundic, and liver They en to Salt route here Sunday through trouble that had caused mi peat BufLake to see bie beet girl. fering lor many year. For genaiee, nd cur they exceligytjbiltg. J Joseph McCrae, a Salt Lake sheep man, waa here the fore pert of the week oversaw. Electric Bittertatetbeear-prts- e looking after h! interests in this part of of nil l ir their won leifor work In the County. He sold hie motions re Liver, Kidney emi 8toaiaditroablre. Knight A O. of Belt Lake. Dont mil to try them. Only 00 cts. Boy-d- vn 8opL W. M. Boyden spent the entire Saiio fiction is gnarenteed y John A Son Drugioetv. n 2cy-dsMr. day at our school lest Fridsy. is devoting nil of hie time io his to Cl M A ruiD in g DAT office. He can now visit all the schools ia bv done idem what ol end get ea being Take Laxative Bromo (Johia Tablets. the teachers and assist them ia making All druggists refund tbe amf? if it fail necessary change. locure. E. V. Grove's gaturaia on box each , bubto is Tbs political pot beginning ble here, nnd politicians ol both parties are making ready for war. The county seat proposition ia also being much disRESIDENT cussed, but the general opinion seems 1 to be that lor the best interests of the county will be to leave the court booe ju-- t where it is. Money is not eo pismiCoalrile, re) down thia wav that the peo scan aff-- rd to have tlwir taxes isred just to liter fill to it Coa'TiHoi suite lew office holder whims. !9. Sept. loadij, Nat Peeaned For Life. Co-o- p I Irouu this powt eastward 900 cars ere ordered far sheep shipments bat they cannot be obtained for aa indefinite period. wasiHir A wreck ocr erred near Osstla Back on WansHir. Utah. ftepl 24 1902. While hacking a long train Wednesday. Korroa Tim as some fiat care in the center of th train Adam Plartoe is down from Iark larned op their 1st k a in a heap. City visiting relatives and friends A i auwtt comes ia scaled pound inpackages only, tboa suring Ireehneta, strength, flavor and uniformity. UAWAi. - SmA-- M Lion Coflco li Jfirim Car rtipcs tests . N WAMSATCH TIMES. COALVILLE United Btarea Land Office, Balt LakaGitv, Utah, September 12, 1902. 7b wAom it meg cwwcerw. Notrce le hereby givre that the State of Utah has Bled in tbia office list o lands selected by the said State under section T2, of thgr Congress spr proved July 16, H94. Tbe following tracts embraced ia mid Hats, are in lownohipe con reining mineral claims of record, via : List No. M. Deaf and Dumb Atrium, W See 30, Tp82i.', R. 7 the 6W E.. 8. L. Mer. Ia List No. 86, Deal ami Dumb Asylum. tbe SET NW;NW6EV 6ee. 18, WKNWtf and SWW NE1 Sec. 20, Tp. S N., R 7 . B. L Her. Copies of sakt Hate, so lar aa they relate to said tracts, by descriptive sobdi-viaiokav oeen conspicuously posted in this offices, for inspection bv any person interested, nnd by th pablic gen- Is the place to get School Supplies. aeff i STORE DRUG We have an excellent line of Note Books, Pencils, Inks, Text Books, and everything that is needed by a student at school. ns, erally. Daring the sixty days next folloeing th date of thio notice under depart- mental instructions of November 27, 1896, (28 L. D.. 456), protest or contests acainettb t laim of the State to any of th tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore deocrihed.on the pound that the same is mere vein bis for mineral than for agricultural pur pores will be rereived and noted for report to the General Land Office, at Washington, D. C. Failure so to protest or contest within the time specified will be eondaidered eof-f- l. ral ient evidence of the character of the said tracts, and the selection thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will he recommended for ndprovul. Fsank D. Hobbs. Register. Gioaoa A. Smith, Receiver. 9 19 1114 IJ oo non-mine- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SUM-m- fN We crb do yonr job work. Hvir o ITIS A GOOD HONEST SOAP CampletemUlogue ahewtogereg pramiomath'may UWera4 MADE TO DO THE WORK. lrevlM theVvyperfuritlebH fre apon rtqaesL 8eod yuwraaa on a puatal card, and wejwUl nwlLpo Addrtui th esuiogu C33T , Ditmmi tol kg B gren. X& it county, State of Utah. John Tucker, plaintiff, va. Mery A. Tucker, defendant. Summons. The State of Utah, to the said defendant : You are hereby semmoned to appear within twenty days after the service of this sommoes upon you. if served within the county in which th a ac ion ia brought, otberw ire, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action ; nnd in rase of ) our failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of th complaint, ol which n copy ia herewith served upon yon. Hmrar Shiilm, Plaintiffs Attorney. P. O. Address, Park City, Summit county, Utah. First publication, 8epL 13tb, 1902. Last publication. Oct. 17tb, 1902, ! Btg 13 tld ,d 8efft Ite. J GOTO THE Globe Barber Shop For i Stjlisi Cleaa Hair Cut Shn. Ll IUTSEI, J. S. BILL, Ml Post C2cb, SBSSlt CGKEtJ, tUl ul v x--.- PrtJ. - Your return card printed on i no envelopes for 7 cent THE TIMES office. v 1 at i |