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Show A SMALL COMEDY OF. .ERRORS Couple Had Been' at Crott Purpotet " All the Evening. ' ' A yottnii itentleaian. i.who take a (treat Intercut In the education of the deaf and dumb, recently attyniled i meetinit at a larxp, lnqtll mlon df-voted df-voted to their Inatructlon '11i'o prial-dent, prial-dent, beforn the ball' began. Raked that the tpeaKIng and dumb ahould mlk with each otwer; trod. auKKeated that In tbe. rlrruinataacca Introduction Introduc-tion mlKht be dlappnacd. with. The yoiiBR Rentleniiiii ncRnn to look nt Xor a partpcr, i(d' when lie had found one to hia llkliiKnc.'by' meant of many genturei made hef-' under-atand under-atand that he naked j the .favor, of a dance. Tult. waa .granted, and they nranaed to umbincliyid " 'each 'other fairly well., , Another 'a'nci',followed. and ,mpre ajttemnta at' "colivertatlon. .Then wlth'mijch' dlrfiKlrtf flttf 'youns , man akcd to he allHwefl' tb- ue her In to auppi-rd,' an 'i.h)j Uii. ta. waa greatly lurprlhed, uji -moetlng another an-other yonng lady, o boar her accoat her companion with: " ""Well, Bella, where are you g Ing?" "Oh." eufd' Bella, .."I'm going In to eupper with thlt dummy." "Me a dummy?" alnroat acreamed her companion. "Great, heavuul why, t thought you were one." |