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Show JON'T GIVE UP. rout .. dlscouratcd by pnt ef fori tr' , relief and euro from tho myrlaii f m, t, r, frnln Bllk kidney you may puns nlKhta ot alecpl' t. iiasing. annoyed liy freipient urlnat r Yollr )in K ,,. ,.,, ,kP , tootnt.; or an.lilcn twmhea and twlng'i f backache ptilu make life a misery. Perhaps you have nervous-spell", nervous-spell", i weak. Ureal out, da-pressed. There cure fur all of this and' for every tl nble of the bladder and km-novo.. km-novo.. . ad this rase and" note It tells bo well the cure was tested: t'harld I.lndgren, aealer of freight rare on the U H. M. H: It. II , l a Porte, It. I , ssys: "1 have grvnter fnvlta l lionn'a Kidney Tills taiduy than I is.) In the fall of 1NI7 when I regan Uklns them and maale a public pub-lic ttntfment of the result. At that time I Imd aufTa-real with lameness and aortnisa of the I.s.-k, which wat to rt. latlng Hint I .could acarcely turn In bad, and lia.sn s Kidney I'llls ronipbttly cured tbla troulilo. I am always ready to endorse Da.an'a Kidney Kid-ney Pills personally to nnyone reapiir-Ing reapiir-Ing a Wiliia y remedy. After ai laitse of throe art 1 mako this statement, which Uiowa my undgubtiit faith In the priaaiirallon." A KBDK THIAI. nf'thla great kidney kid-ney mejicine, which cured Mr. l.lnd-. gren, till bo mulled on application to any part of tho Hulled Hlntet. Addrcn Foster Mllhurn' ;. lliiffulo, N. V. Fair sulo hy all druKglslt, CU ccntt ttr bo. |