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Show CHARM OF UClLV MEN. History Records Cases Where Oeauty Waa Not Needed. There waa, perhaps, as much truth as boasting In the statement uf John Wilkes, the famoua I .on. inn alderman 1 and champion of llrltiah electors: "Ugly aa I am If 1 can have hut a quarter of an hour's start, I will get tho better uf any man, however gisid looking. In the graces uf any woman." wom-an." Of vVilk"s' abnormal ugliness thero was never any question, for la It not recorded Unit tho "very children chil-dren in tho street run away affrighted affright-ed at the sight uf him?" And yet bis Isiwers uf fuscliuitloii wero su great that "In. lies of bounty and fashion vied with each other for his notice and all courtly grnces looked enviously envious-ly on." Thero were, I la rnld. few beauties of the dny whose bund Wilkes might not havo confidently hoped to win; and when ho led Miiry Mead to tho altar al-tar he nude a wife of one of the rich-eat rich-eat and most lovely women uf her time. " 'ileauty and lleant,' they call us." Willies once snld to his friend Potter, "and I ran not honestly flud fault with the description." Jean Paul Murat. whose name will always he associated with the evil history uf the French revolution, was notoriously tho ugliest man of his day In Paris. When thia reputation reached hla eara Marat la said tu have rfnaaiM, UV why Uaalt av supremacy su-premacy to Parle?" and, Indeed, tha restriction waa much too modest. And yet In hit earlier yeara when be waa the moat popular of court doctors bis very ugliness aeemed tu exercise aucb a fascination over aristocratic ladles that they crowded hla consulting room a In order to catch a gllmpae of and to exchange words with him under the flimsiest protexta of Imaginary Imag-inary ailments. |