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Show CLEARED BARN OF RATS. Vcrmontar'a Ingenuity Waa Equal to a Hard Task. The tale la old a llittnelln Town. Ilnla! They lilt 'ho Imlilin In their elailli-a. they II, he, I Iho Milip loin the rooka' own biilloi. Anil lliey nlao lito up tho itniln In a Vermont barn. I.ainelln tried tho I'lod I'lper and not rid. lo Ita Morrow, ot nuiru lhan the rata. Hut thla Vermorttor tried rolled oata. and atlll haa hla thirteen odd chlldron, but no rut a. If thla wore an ailvertlm-ment for a broakfaat food tho moral would be plain. "It wan thla way," aald Juuiea F. MnntiltiK. 'i)nt th tbo comtry, not far from llurllnKlun. Hie Knxor, who la Koneral grain and feed dealer and dlaburaor of furming tiHita and the like fur the aurroiindiug dlatrlrt, found hla atorohouae to bo overrun with rala, which no trap aoi-mrd running onotiith to catch nor blK oncuxh to huld thorn all. Aa the grocer put It, no ton trapa could ratch thorn faat euuiiKh to provont a aerond generation. genera-tion. Ho he hit on an Idea. He took a great, wide tub and tilled It half li.ii ot rotted onta. "Tho rala fattened on It, or rather In It for aome daya. When they had learned to go there with confidence he one day tilled Hit tub hair full of water, on the aurfaro aprlnkled a coating or chopped cork, and then over all aprlnkled a thin layer or tho rolled oata. That nlKht the rata came to the tub aa waa their wont, peered over the edge, aaw that all waa rolled oata, and Jumped. The neat morning aevei.tuen of them wero found dead al the bottom. In thla way the groc er clcnrcd hla ami choline, llo.ng a Yankee, Yan-kee, lie la already talking uf a patent." |