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Show M-OKOI-S Kil l i;0 IN CHURCH SEVLNTV EIGHT LOOSE THEIR HVEt at BIRMINGHAM. ALABAMA. A das ni.rtrl and a Wild ah ..r lleor rnsned, In V hleh Men end Vtnmen Were Tmrepled fader root en f-ru.hed lo llratlt. 8eventy-elrlit people are Iidowd lo be dead and eighty llijiire.l, aom per-hapa per-hapa fatally, aa the result nf a panle tilth oeriirreil In Hhiloli Neerro Hap- tlst church at ltlrmlinrliain, AlaHama, Friday ol((ht, niirltiK the evenlnir aen-Ion aen-Ion of the negro Natloual llaptlal run-ventlon. run-ventlon. Fifteen hundred j'delriinte wrra I eroerdrd into the chiirrli, which bd a e.atltif eaparhy of only 4(M, wlieo lha ' audleoce was .thrown Into a atampede byaconlllct Iwtween two of the ilele-(rstea ilele-(rstea In the rer nf the chun-h. Tha orlea of "flirhl'' whli-h followed the audleur mistook for an alarm of "flr" anil lo the wild effort to escape) seventy-eif lit person were crushed to death and eighty nior received injurlea, injur-lea, some of which may prove fatal. Th list of dead and Injured Included only negroes' lu attendance. Owing tn the number of visiting del-gates, del-gates, the lileiillnVallon of the dra.l aud tujured has been dillirult. During th atallipeJ Hooker tT WaablDgtou nd rvi-ral other prominent promi-nent nrgrm-a were on the stage ami were unwilling w llnci.se to the frightful fright-ful catastrophe. Noue of those In the choir or In the pulpit were Injured in the least. For a few jnliiiitcs they attempted at-tempted to restoru onlrr, but, scelug their rffi-rtn acre futile, waited until the struggling crowd had advanced far : enough for them to pick up the dead-and dead-and Injured. . Most of the dead are women, and the .. physicians say in many casea they fainted and died of auffocallon. A remarkable re-markable featura of tha calamity in . that no blood was aeen on any of thu victlma. Thev were either crushed or ' ' died from alilTiicallou. Slillnh ohtircli' ia a modern brick Structure and has fust beeo coinplelrit at a cost of I7s,(mm. There are four' cntrancea lo the building nd the main.. ; t on ia sixteen feel wide. The deaths were caused by everybody trying to ' ruahoul the main entrance.al the aame Lime, lnaide tha chnrch, not a lieucli waa overturned and all of those who ; wer killed died in or about lln&jrnn:. (,( ... trnnre. The people near the front of the ch:uVeh"wrre- not. IlijureJ lo tne least. |