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Show AN ORDINANCE An ordinance vacating Center Avenue. I formerly known as River Avenue, and that certain alle running north and . south through Block Four (4). all In I Rlvervlew addition of Ogd.-n City, nnd SOUth of the south line of Twenty eighth t eel. In Ogden City and declaring said street and alley and avenues to bo no longer public highways Be It ordaliu d by the Board of Commissioners Commis-sioners Of Ogden City, Utah. Section 1. That Center avenuo. formerly former-ly known as River avenue. Vine! that cer i tain alley running north and south through Block Four (4). all in Rivervlow addition of Olden City Utah, and south Of the south line of Twenty eighth street, in Ogden City. Utah and the same! are hereby perpetually vacated and declared de-clared to lie no longer public streets and highways. Section II. That in tho opinion of the Board of Commissioners of Ogden City. Utah, It Is necessary to the oaaoe safety, and ge-ne-ral welfare of Ogden Cltv that this ordinance become effective Immediately, Immedi-ately, . . Section III This ordinnnce shall take effect August 20. A D. 1920. Passed bv the Board of Commissioners of Ogden lt August 19. A. D 1920. FRANK FRANCIS. Mayor. C. T MOTKS City Recorder. State of Utah. County of Weber ss. 1 C T Moves City Recorder of Og.h n Citv Utah, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a full, true nnd . on.-, i cpv of an ordinance entitled An ordinance vacating Center avenue former Iv known a River avenue, and that cer tain allev running north and south through Block Four (4) all In Rlvervlew addition of Ogden Cltv. and south of the south line of Twenty-eighth street, in Og .en ''it-. and declaring s-ild street and alley and avenue to bo no long.-i publll highways," adopted and passed bv the Roard of Commissioners of said Ogden Cltv on the 19th dav of August 1920. as appears of record In my office. In witness whereof, 1 hnve hereunto set j mi hand end affixed tho corporate seal ol Ogden City this 19th dav ot August. 1920, b C. T MOVES. City Recorder (Sean 1211 |