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Show JERSEY COW AGAIN SETS MILK PRODUCTION RECORD SEW YORK. A tiA 20. Sophie 19th. I of Hood Kami. Lowell, .Mass.. former! champion Jersey cow, hn.s conic back at the ago of IE yeurs and six months v. Hi a ninth official record that makes her world's champion buttoi cow, the American Jersey Cattle club announced announc-ed today. In nine .urs eho Is credited with hnvltiK given 110,918 pounds of milk and C3G3 pounds of butter fat, an av-01 av-01 age of 12,314 tyQUndS bf milk uiid 706 1 pounds of butter fat per cji Sophie 19th has a clear lead of C93 1 pounds of butter fat over her nearest competitor. Tilly Abartra, ft Holatoln 1 cow owned on a southern California farm, It was stated. 1 |