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Show I" ft? Exceptional Values In Fine f Ail Wool 1 Tailormade SUITS I $OQ50 INCLUDING TWO PAIRS OF PANTS 4 Overcoats $40 0 Once you see these un- t-qfi- usually fine All Wool ma terials, you vill surely agree with us that their equal cannot be dupli-, dupli-, cated elsewhere under 1 $50 to $60. HOWARD WILLIAMS Manager 3 HP9S3HH rHOLE! .... - KERR Economy Jars one of the three P" popular styles of KERR Jars are splen- j- -j- -r did for canniriR large products whole. The L- " I handy wide niuuth admits whole peaches, tomatoes, etc., without slicing or crinh- ring Also fine for canning corn on cob. 2s J fowl, meats, fish, etc Seals with sanitary fVfA-NvT) a gold enameled cap and wire clamp. Its fLs YxJJlA sealing is simplicity itself. Patented seal- 1 . S r- ing composition attached to cap does away 1 Jj J i ( with rubber rings seals jar AIR-TIGHT XwtT I H no mould or spoilage. KERR Economy l Jars and Caps are handled by all leading nyfPyJ dealers. Ask for them ; accept no sub- yA- n I stitute Write us for free recipe book MjL "y 1 1 telling how to can peaches and all other sJr r J I products. VT jt I KERR GLASS MFG. CO. - W. SAND SPRINGS, OKLA, M BL s Portland. Ore. Los Angeles, Col. r&?' A LATEST DANCE MUSIC fflB and POPULAR SONGS Here are some catchy pieces you will certainly want Check the numbers you wish and mail us the coupon. Lett All Alone Again Dlues. from The Msht Boat Marlon Harris A-2939 Everybody Out Mc Marlon HurrlG $1.00 Marlon (You'll Soon Be Marryln' Mo) Frank Crunilt A-2948 Pretty Kitty Kelly Charles Harrl.'on 51.00 Somehow Fox-trot . Ted Iowls' Jazz Band I Know Why Medley Fox trot.. A 2945 Morrison s Jazz Orchestra $1 00 Dance O Mania Fox trot .. The Happy Six I-:Ti Slow and Eay Foxtrot A-2949 ij&m Louisiana Five Jazz Orchestra 5100 Wgl Don Juan Wnltz E1658 Olga Bilbor's Gypsy Orchestra 51.00 CITY AND STATE t - N mum, i ,ii; i i 1 i i m i i.m i i '. "You never dressed up like that for me. You must be greatly interested in someone." some-one." See Enid Bennett in "Hairpins" at the Alhambra Sunday. Complete September List Now on Sale 1 Records I 4 Song Hits Mmntx. In Swet September Al Tolion 1 A-294 "snrxk V Erly m the Mornin (Down on the Farm) . . Frank Crumit $1.00 r)j H Left All Alone Again Bine., from The Nig.t . 1 . 'I OVIM JI Boat Mion Harris A-2S9 VVf.'i V Ererybody But M Marion Harri 1-00 HfcS The St. Louit Bluet Marion Harrii 1 A-2944 ,j jf-' jf", HomeaickneM Blue Marion Harris J $1.00 j . J, Marion (You'll Soon Be Marryin Me) . . Frank Cmmit 1 A-294 'fif 'm VV'.a Pretty Kitty Kelly Charles Harriion $1.00 j ZL aWI Venetian Moon . . . Lew James and Charles Harrison 1 A-2954 ! X My 11 of Golden Dream . Chwlei Harrison $1.00 jj f Mother 1 1 Lore You) Charles Hackett j JJjJ j "y i" Sweete.t Story Erer Told .... Hulda Lashanska J' Fiddle and I . .... Barbara Maure! I A-6 156 LrJ ZAp , Sing Me to Sleep Barbara Maurel $1.50 i County Fair at Punldn Center . Cal Stewart (Uncle Josh) ) A-2947 Jim Uwion'i Hog Cal Stewart (Uncle Josh) y $1j0O Dance Music H The Love Net Mediey Tox-tro! Art Hickman' Orchestral A-2958 ffiP hfi&llilllalll nlr9'llllMd. t Sony jL '.he Orient Fox-trot Art H ick:nan' Orchestra J $1.00 jjj 1 1 tflSly jSil Wi I Somehow Fox-trot red Lewis' Jan Rind) A-2945 JL lii MP f 'l,iii!i31 ill MCnow Why- Medley Fox-trot . Morrison's Jazz Orche,tra $1.00 f ., ' l U)7 FJ'Pj 1 ' ; f Chili BeAn Song Fox-trot Paul Biese Trio and Frank Crumit ) A-2952 iflSSW H mSL. '' I Bell of Montorey Fox-trot . . Paul Biese Trio f $1.00 Bill III L 1' 429r 1 Tripoli Medley WaJti . . Prince's Dance Orchestra A-61 57 V& T' '8 ! ' J V1 i Romanco Medley Walti . Prince. Dance Orchestra $1.25 ffliEkl 1 .2 ISEEm SW'l Dance-O-ManLa-F-. T, ,, The Happy Six) A-2949 " fS mmSwIM' Slow and Ea.y Fox-trot . Louisiana Five Jaaz Orchestra j $1.00 lli yTwJBTOWff ' Dine Toe. Fox-trot Banta and Akst ) A-2S33 ! f'ifw T r'WW 1 1 typhoon 1 ix-trot BanuandAkstj $100 S. : -M 'it aHKMlU'W ' Gypsy Lore Wlu . . Olf Bihor's Gyp.y Orchestra 1 E-4658 5 inlli rTO''j X Don Juan WaJti Ola Bibor'. Gypsy Orchestra ) 51.00 WIN iWwW I! ('JS' Instrumental Music I Vikiife' Melody in F-Tri!-, oln Pablo Casals j The Swan (Le CygTae)' Cello Solo . . . Pablo Casals j SO fflllJ Vale Bleue-Vir,i:n Solo .... T ,scha Scidel 5 j lSflniftWWil m. Our Director Mnrch Columbia Band ) A-6155 'r'wJ ,7k Centennial MarcJi Columbia Band j $1.23 1 vV- '' Long Ago Hawaiian Guitar Duet . . Ferera and Franchini j A-2950 v MS?L lCBteT Hunika Hawaiian Guitar Duet Frrcrj and Francluni $1.00 4RAS.A Medley Hornpipe Accordion Solo . . fohn 1 llimir? 1 1 A-2951 I Medley Jig. Accordion Solo .... Jolui J. Kimrael $1.00 Gems from Opera '.jjEfc II P Dance of the Hours Part I. From La Gioconda I Gino Marinuiri and Hit Symphony Orchestra A-61 54 JrH'Sl 1 i'" ' '-' Dnncc of tho Houn Part II. From j Gioconda l $1.50 'fWMrMBBLB Gino Marinuizi and His Symphony Orchestra J r'JB.'1" ' L ' i "Florodora" Vocal Gems Columbia Light Op.-ni Co. ) A-615-8 raSSPB9MHRll " rhe lkodo'' Vocal Gemi . Columbia Ligtit Opera Co. )' $1-25 ijnMffl HMBflfajB AVtv Prtxesj Columbia Records. Individually injptcied, j durable, delightful, dependable, accural in eL'ry detail. Fmm Standard Model Columbia DcaJcr vrill play 5011 any Columbia Record ltBBHBS3B op fo $ 300 Ntu) Colomblm Rmeord, on SaU at att Colombia Dalwr 8?5: . .. rA. 10th and 20th of Ecary Month otr. WM r" henod Domain fir 2 ufitofJJOO COLUXtBI A G APHOPHONF. CO., Mrw Yrk V M Through our Phonograph Department, we offer you H twice each month all the latest and most pleasing musical offerings of the day. jj COLUMBIA RECORDS made by the many exclusive j Columbia artists are here to entertain you in a most delightful manner. Columbia records offer you the world's Utetit musical creations in a variety of selections not I equalled anywhere else. Twice each month at our salesroom we entertain you with the New Columbia Records the moment they are released. I Monthly we mail to all names on our mailing schedule Ike "Columbia Record List" which gives all of the new records as they come out. If you are not already receiving I this list each month please call in and ask us to place your name and address on our "Columbia" mailing schedule so that you will receive all future announcements. I I 0A0ttjnmaBAos.jl)e: j I I 245 HUDSON AVE. di TONE I'OUR flVC I J J tVCRYTHING FOn EVElftV SPOHT FOR CVCRV SCAON WBS i I I ffcwiiiiii i mi i Mil ! urn i iiim imwiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiinii i ihmii nmf ' 'mi-m mm |