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Show ; EVERY FLOWER i HAS A STORY ! i ALL ITS OWN Tin: CHRYSANTHEMUM. Ths gorgeous chrysanthemum promises wealth and abundance. h iginally It was a r lain yellow flower and the present beautifully col-oicd col-oicd flower Is the result of cultivation the florists of Japan 'ihe name is derived from a Greek word mean-tine mean-tine golden flower j Many medicinal remedies arc ob-, tained from this flower, which has, j ho we VCt) no perfume. ' i rVTlVATEjb WIDELY. Tho chrysanthemum Is cultivated widely all over Japan, except in E-Ilnicji, and the following legend explains ex-plains this exception. I In a great castle in Hiniejl lived ' a vety wealth)- man ne of his maid-1 servants, called O-Klku, meaning rysaUthemum blossom, was accused) of stealing one of the gold plates which site had in charge Lclng unable to prove her Innocence she drowned her-1 Keif, and thereafter her ghost could Ihe herd counting the plates, Ich-mat. Nl-mai, Ssn-ma W hen she came to ten. she would utter a despairing cry. I Her spirit passed into the oody of an lP3ect who resemhled a woman's head VJtll disheveled hair. Its name slg-mties slg-mties the fly of O-Klku. and it is' found nowhere but In Himeji. Kl-Kl 1PANESE NAME. Another legend tells of the origin of the flower. A beautiful girl had been told by an elf. that her lover ! j ( uld marry her and would live as many years as the flower she wojld choose, had petals She .searched for u flower and finally chose a Persian carnation With a gold ha'.r-pin she deftly separated each petal into two or three parts until she hud three times ass many petals as before, and so the Kl-Ku. ns the Japanese call it, waa created. nn |