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Show El BEIEIT'S Ii PICTURE. "HAIRPINS." LESSON TO HUSBANDS Old-fashioned Wife in This Fine Photoplay Proves Real Treasure Husbands who blcuuo their vivos for lcmalnin uld lashloned und disinterested disin-terested in thu hilarity of life are taught a lesson by "Hairpins", the latest Thomas H Ince I'mnmount Artcraff picturo starring Enid Bennett, Ben-nett, which will be shown at the Al-bambra Al-bambra theatre for four daye;, beginning begin-ning next Sunday, Rex Kossmore had a wife who cared more about getting a reduction on the purchase of a dozen smoked bams than she did about the Faust opera and Insofar as permanent - iv lug of her bair was concerm l she never thouKbt of It." Hut Rei didn'l like her domesticity and that'a why his stenographer appealed to him so strongly. But when Rex's wife discovered the truo state of affairs, she got btf and It wasn't long before she was considered the moht up-todate woman wom-an in New York. In fact, she was so much up to-date that Rex was made to realize how wonderful she really was That's why he begged her la return to her former ways of living and found real happiness in domesticity. domes-ticity. Miss Bennett never had a more fitting fit-ting role than that which she por- i trays in "Hairpins." Mat Moore is seen in the role of her husband. The picture was directed by Fred Nlblo under the personal supervision of Thomas H Ince Tho supporting company is excellent. oo |