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Show 00 M'GRAW GOES TO CHICAGO "10 DIRECT GIANTS' PLAY NEW YORK. Aug. 20 John Mc-Graw. Mc-Graw. manager of tne New York Giants, Gi-ants, has one to Chicago to take cbarge of his team, it was announced today by his attorney, who said he had Informed the district attorneys office that McGraw would return '.n 4S hours if he was wonted In connection with the inquiry as to how John 1 '. Slavln, of lor, received a fracture of the skull in front of the McGraw home after a fiacos ot the Lambs club McGraw wus quoted as saying his presence wus essential as his team r.teded him In this critical time in the race for the pennant. McGraw o lawyer said the baseball man had nothing lo do with Slavln's injuries. |