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Show U) Sleepy Wlte Suddenly I'nun.l ;i.lnq lnler:ln-j tl (ft In HurJlinnd'A ?l I )i nj Jr S- ts-c C- 4. r &-2-s p 5 -3 -2 S -2 -2 -2 i" 'e Tin- mini who wnh I I ii I. tin- linn' to work nff nny cn s .THiil Um uimn l.l lfi null', biiit tlii.y ni In liid. nml who linn lii nlns In ti ll hr tin' dy' miK k jf runny storliA ntli r nln-in nln-in loo p.i'iiy to Htuy nwnki'. so iliat he nlunys roi's to nl'i"i on liin linmls willi hi Is mlkinx lo Iht. Iiml an awfully fnmiv uin lo nuirntn unto hi r nfli r ho Iiml ilium" I the xllm ami iTawli-tl Into l-cil a ffw nlKl't" iko. hn! ha!" ho nurnli'il. as hi' ai ltli d Iiri k on hl pillow- his wlto linil lii'i'n In lu'ii for alMiut 15 inliiuli's llii'n. "Ih nnl a .11 in Iminly of a story atiout Hilly Kanlolils this afti'rnoon. It sifins that Illlly look II Into his h.'ml lo itn iuiiIhk up Hi" rlvir otio nrtiTtiiMin hil wi'k. nml. h'JIhK. he Mi nl a Irnky skirr oit In (leorKe-town (leorKe-town willinut know I ii k thnt tli I'IhiikmI thli x as hnky. Wi'll. whin hi hftil rowi.'l nut to the nllilillo if l io rivrr. why. ho" At I lis nUiKi of II tin narrator brant an exr Ilngly i;i.itli ffiuliiluu siioi-o aloiiKHlili' of hint. 'K'Joi'. If she liann I Kone to sli'i'p on mo niTiiln." I"' snld lo himself, niri-rli veilly. '"'nry." In said, alouil, "lue nu nwake?" 'rin-ri' was no rei'ly. "Iluh! . wonder she (oiililn't Just . rl' ii .mill lo I P an;,i. w'iIId n t'! M IrllllH'. Ix'i' a p. mil nl, TV, HiclK' Itii. Kiowliil 10 liiMiHi'lf, ami th' I 1,1 a suibli n l.l. . ' 1 lie proi !l il. In prerlsely t IK sfir toTie Iliat he ti nil employe.! Iiiftaiiir n1lt n ti ll I. is fiiiu y story, "as I Ms sayli k. Ibis swell tieen tlilt irivp fm. tl(. eiKi Kim eye this n!Vri" welKied about I .Ml poumls, an''!"a limit from lie Krouiul up. l,. I a Ii'IIIi.k you. ami she hail III SVillRrresI lilltli'll of gulden hemp niri H" niftiest violet eyes you ever n. "I thai ; nml so lien I pratu'ed ml I" kr ami asked her If I ha in't n.at btmniewliere mul Iben look her n ind i ... . onier to have a bite of leiftit sml a little sonii'lhliiK to ilitk n a unlet little (I. nt, why, rli W 1'i.rvlili b, how ilnrn you hnve tl.a Ifill ,h..I to lie luern and eon-fe eon-fe li oniruKeoiis IhlnKS to ine!" Ii H ake spouse broke 111 Just nt -ti.l iiye:in!oKli al nimuent, nml lli. Im.l to speeil a Kood pari of the taulmler of Ihe nlKbt explnltl-Iiik explnltl-Iiik t'l.'T Hint he was only f.Hillnir. In or to see If she would wake tip. Hint ! i: .t nltoKi'ttier a eliieh that she lit Mi'iuii Ions uf hi ni yet, al t int. |