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Show f j W I G!of'0tt$ Old Spain W n....Trrf TanTrr- aai nai laaawii bhibjb n m wwmm n aaa 'aiaaiaMaaaL. Il...l l.olt..r ) ' T - IN' rnrroa.iiie; Ihn fmntr tn '''III I'"muuI mm Hiij, ,n V-ei J Krli lo. Han KHtrhnn, t m ' .'i' t 'I'R nno nntlrra thrir,,,-al'ln thrir,,,-al'ln rhniiKna la thai I An hrlKhl i;r'ii nf all at nnre to,t.rf dmorl. whoro aurlriilturo ran t,. v a imrmiod with imuh pnlna aim li fully. Afior a fnw hours In t rat whlrh hna amniinrd tho Hpanlu, nr ppood. tho ftnhla (frnw arorar j hy tho tlmo Hnlamai.ra la mark., y rrnpa hik worth iiathorliiK. An ail nlKht rhlo In tha , hrniiKht nm in ICanirlnl, and tw -4 day I martini .iadrld. Nolfint i , nor olai.wliore In any part of t:i. , try In eorn ovlilonm that Iho (. a have an roroiilly panod thnn, , li uml 1 1 at In k war. Malrhl, thai i tiioiit otiK-ftKli.ff rapllul In the wL I only plarn I'arla and Vionna V II la aa pty Indny aa It waj yinra n:n. tho alrm ta pulaallni i happy llfo, tho at ai-lnua parka ; i will rhnltrrlliK and la'lK)llllK ort l "A alitht of Iho "liny KIliiT i murap, nno of tho ihlnca to l . tnlnril. fnr alnro hla t '.ironnl'nn,, f a fnw wrrke provlnuiily, thn Ir. , nlil niminrrh hna hornnin onn of niimt IntrrrntlnK of roniomporary , v lluw liniiorlKhnhlo thnao Ilonian worka anom! Wnior mill ronton to Koylllo on nrrhoa hullt amin aflnr th llmo nf Chrlat, and al Cordova and olhor plaroa Knniaii hrhlgoa dofy th panaano nf tlmo. I.a liranja. aovani mlloa hy rarriRiio frnm Honvla, la a royal paloro and park, which la nm aiilcrod to rival Voraailloe, eaporlally In the elalKjrnto fuiintalna. Alphonao la oipootod to ronhie horn thla aum-mor aum-mor fnr thn firm tlmo In hla llfo, and the rnahlonta of t lo vIIIoko are Bull-ably Bull-ably oxi Itn.l onr tho pruaport. No klin ar iioon haa boon among thom alnre Ihn ilrath of Alphonoa XII, more than alxtion yrara at:o. Juat a word ahould ho aald about llllhoa. tho nno town In all Hpnln that Klvoa thn Idoa of Yankoe puah and on-orny. on-orny. It la altuatod on the Norvlon, about olKht mlloa from the npnn aoa. and rnniolna tMTiiupa 7o.unn inhahl-tanta, inhahl-tanta, nlr.O'tontha nf whom are HnaipioB. Thla roninr. jhin rare Ib bb fund of work aa tho AinlnluHlan, for In-Binuro, In-Binuro, la fond nf roi.t. Aa anon aa t in trnln ontnra tho llaaipio province Iho illffnri-liro la pnrroptlblo. From llllhoa tn rortiiKalotto. at tho minitii nf Iho Nt rvnn. I rntmird more thnn I ' araKnli.K atoainra, and yot liiiiliiip'- j ' PALACE OF CHARLES V. Pirlxiia. 1 had harnrd t'ur.t ho wm to nllord tho "Hnlvo" at ono of tw amallcr rhurrhoa on thn atu rimon uf my arrival, and made hamn to reart the plaro. The nlKht Inaldo Iho odlflrp waa mott llltornatlnx. l.lKhtod ran.Hr an Ullllirr one aa to iiUo tho oiiort nf a croat hla. rovorrd the htu!i altar. Mimlt by urchoMtrHl lnr.trumonta waa snl roinpanlnil hv only nno fine' onnj voire, the atrnln n "hiiik at limit ' llvoly onnuiti fnr a iliinro. tloinnoiiar rlail prlnaia of vnrt'iu ttrailoa. a-trniln.l a-trniln.l by hoy a In mil. n pnuod tin aorvlre. Hi low a Inrto iuiiire of tin l.oiv Sliilu wna a miMt i in haul lis llulo r.am.. i.r ChrUt, at t..o niipun'ti r - tlirao far aorliiK ponplo hnve roaorvod eoarly all of ono hank of the rlvor for a pronionnde and parkway. Ituth bnnka are wallod with nil atnno, making mak-ing at loaat flfloon mlloa or wall that tina horn hullt: and at I'nrtiiKalottn a tlylnii fnrry" ennvoya paaaonvorB and irama a' roiia thn rlvor, ao that a iirtiiiM may not tnterfore with uavlita-t uavlita-t m. t vrrno qmnMua la ofton ankod, "Why iki ponpte (rnvol ahrnud vrho havo not aonn oil of tlmlr own roiintr'?" Ono nilitlit aa wnll Ituiulre. "Why do people peo-ple K In a ront'ort or an opnra who havo a parlnr orrim r.t htinio?" A nfvv oomitry like Aumrlia rannot I vo an n'tiiiy plai ns nf lni. rit na old -r --a I r ''-V'- -"tv '-'' h-y i CATHEDRAL INTERIOR. aso or throe yoara, wllh t!Khty curl blouilo lour and K'il'1 brnl.lrfl m iiioiiih. In a ami nf prlva o hnx nn th- lov (if thn :alloi y Alphnitmi ami &4, innthor rniild ho b i, hnn I tin i tho wIiiiIuuhiII mid w titih dm tho pn, rooillnca. I'luiHOil with hla now box ora. aa any nlln r la I would hn. ib, yniniK kllm la atlll a li.iv. Ills ,1:, uliy la tluu of youth, not the aii.tj of Itiitltll'o imuitiria. I l.ltlio apni'o nn.'d ho plvo.i In uj lottor lo tirunna. whoro I wnit nor j nxnrpt til rri'all Ihn lliurvniolia aii..J ilini that aitnplloa Iho rlly - hull; , j tho I hnn nf 'I'iu'ihi. of tiiulvo it0.l hlnrka. llPlllstrl'.'.l hv mthor rlv.'lBr,! rmiii'iit. and with ilotililn nrrhns a I rt hl;h Iti kou.o plaroa. onoa like thnae of Kurope or Aaia I Wllhln the dlatnnre iotwo'ti llnatnc and ChlruKO I o Kiirox-an travolot ran cuntpaaa Iho won lora nf ton na tlntia. ourh with Ha own luiiKunpe, ciiatiuna. arrhllor tuio, hlaiorhal ninn-uinonta ninn-uinonta and natural nconery. In a dnron Spaulah towna of thn tifili rntiK thoro are inodlnovul rh'.iri'lira of BitrpaaaltiK boaitiy. AmnnK the plrnaanl hllla aro pliiurraiiue lull-area lull-area and nionaatorloa. armaa Iho val-loya val-loya run aiiiioilitcla that arotu hullt liy a rnro nf Tllatta. whllo rlvora aro crosaod hy bnilKna on whlrh St. Paul iniiv hnve ant hla font. And Spain llm'9 put exi'rod 111 ll.tnrnat. dona not ovon oqiml anvnial nthrr Intula thnt may ho trnvciund In tho time It tnkna to i;o from Now York to tiultoatou. |