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Show im iiHU 5 The Empty Nest 4 1 ?j i v .t i-i sjf v,i v, ?S ? .! l ; is ' Il There was a time In nra sun. t.v. t H Wee nn nliive.l hi mv feel, while I. ; I II i Mrlil one .i.i.n mv knee; i ,., The hmi.e wmi nil., I nil with null., ' ,,, I if j Th.- n..i.r wit la-aitarr.) eer Willi leys, ! ;t I;.1 llf hee.il rh.-u wearily. I il'. ijf I Tin re came time mv hintae wan mill. , ,,, Nil miiil-nlHlneil l,.i.iirle.ls nn the mil, ' ... ' el'l Mv liinse..f,.r lime of real. , ! j , I f.M. Wy hud t-llmhetl yuulh's topmnat I I My Kir I. a Inn Men tail and tiilr, f I ... Allulhvrs lllilliv nuw hleat. JI A Iftal yeor'a nca hanss en the bmish. tl ' I 1 'Taa nil.. I nlll allium tilnla, lull liu J, J tjf 1 It emplv la hiiiI Imre. ! it" I , The Inula ami kei a have nime. hut atlll j . j The" hlnla come lint llWItll. to nil i I U llli aeh Hie allt-ut air. I sine iiimiti that empty neat, ... 1 anew lli.il a oaya ate slwuys beat. I fi Hut I am ea.l ami lime; j i I loner en fur lle a vanlaherl Jiiya. S, I Mv .e slrl ami my bunny lma. ,,, My neallltita that have nuwn. . ..." 11 ii |