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Show i NOTKS OK SCI KMT. RECCNT Otr-COVTHIES AND IN-VCNTICNS IN-VCNTICNS OF VALUE. Automat ;c 8ped Regulator an Improvement Im-provement on Flra Eacapee -Simple and Accurate Apparatus for Teaching Ttlegraphy. Automatic Speed Reoutfor. Thf Kiitt)"- t of thla arto-li in an Irn proved flr' i-n ap which tlw not ! pnd Unn th rnolnca ami nrvi of mn la put il In op-ratlon or r rtuUl 1 II when mil In action, licmnt loaa nf Ufa liy tiro Mmiwh (hero la fitlll an nn-i nn-i filled want In Una dlrtlon. and John Williama of Mvldcr. III., aiitimlla th Invention Known In thn diawlnn. It rhlrf advantuKe lyln In the control of th fjm'piI nf dammit by thn movement iff twn pIMone Hlhtlnai In cylinder pivoted piv-oted In hrarkata attached to Ih building. Th pintnna alld hark and forth thrtniLch a heavy llriuld, which in u lit pane limn nni aid) to thn other and hark ni:nin heior the. revolution j nf thn rr.mk tan l rompl'dee". Ar thrt Internnl dliiunMer nf thn cylinder nearly rut nMpnmW with the iln nf th pllon. It la ohvloua that tha flow of Ih llrpild must lif comparatively flow, Tlma. nn matter whut weight la hi the car attached tn t hi endlena rhiiina, th ore la no tUnKT of ilaman fn tn it trine (eed. The, (mentor prnHia to Ifinlt thf aprcd nf rara atlll morn In lUKMltift -rh window to enuhln pcrftona to enter Ihn cara wlrh aafely. Thla la arcmnitlnheit hy making unit revolu-tlin revolu-tlin of thn crank correnpmd to I ho tail of a cur from on window to thn mat, dwrnutliiK the Internnl diameter of the; plnton at on end to inak the Ihpild patot morn alowly around thn piston at that end, Aa a portion of thn rara ate alwaye returning to makn a 1 j I J i t rtydraulle Cylinders Cneca th Fill, new descent there l no dauarr of any on being left In burning building Ur want of moana of ' ape. I Expected Comets of 1902. I Two iirlMllr cornels am exported J ' ' return ifurttia: the present year. The j tlriit was originally diai nvorml hy , Temple at Muraclllcs In IHiK anil re- :' vnlviia nlmiit tliu ami viry fHo and half yi'ura. Il a lii.l. i.-i.,l,.illy illi-iiivori'd illi-iiivori'd liy Hwlfi la Cnlirnrnla In 1KV and waa ni-nln found hy Itiiriiurd al flirt I.I' k (il.K. rvnuiry In l:. Il ja not awn In IKkiI and In 1 x:7. nor ho-l"i'n ho-l"i'n I h'.'.t and lyw. II la i ; to rWurn I'nrly In lri'tnlHT. I'jt'2. Tin- aii'imd i "nu t n dii ov.Ti d hy Hoirt In Ciillioinitt In vj., and 1 1 h lTliid la ali'it ai vi'n )i uin. It la not liiilirnliiilily l.l.-ti! It ul a llh m i-iiimd illariiti-rrd hy MikhIit ul Murni'lllra In I77. It ii nivi H'd to tidirn In ' 177.p. hut 111 imartliiK rhino lo JiipltiT la orhlt aa aicully nlti ri'd. It will n-liirn toaanl tlu i ml of Nntcinhnr, rm. Tha Sclaaora EQg-Optnar. Tn bo fitri'ini'ly tiliniial In l-arrlMng l-arrlMng thla Invviillnn. It vnilaHlli'a afrli-a nf Jnwa n-lalltvly movahlo ' toward i-arti othi-r to fonlart Willi Ilia ahHI nf an ckk aliiiiiltaiiiiniHly at illf. friiiit KiliUa In a ahmln horlionlol ilaui whfri'hy ronllniHina llnu of frai'tnro la irodiirnl. To toll Ilia atory In alnipl form, thla tKK oimr haa two drawn tuici'tlmr I ho anna run-' run-' " trai t the hamlloa and carrying Ihrna rnrviHl plnti'a. Thi-an plali'a havo alula and lilna aa a rnnuiM lliiK nn'illiini. and whi'ii the handli'a ar druwn IiwiIut Ihn trim roiilrai t till' (ilali'a. Tlill raiiHi'a tlu pl'n In nil. In from Iho ouli'r , onila of th alnta lo the Inner rutin, riinlrai tliiK Ilia lm of tlu- .M'. Mlns uthVli'litty to tailHt llni aharp livtli Contraction of t'ta Handle! Cllpa tha Shall. tn hlln Into th ahi'll and h.'Y.t It. , Tlia inurtli H nf alrlklnu tin- ahull a haii hlnw with ihi' Kiilfn iniiMt an J arr If thn iii-iM.in wimii anrH uf hla Hi ill and tin. I.irn' uf Ihn hlnw. hut It l riiihiT nil. I. a.,, ml tn nil halfway thlOMKh Hi,. y.,!k nf a mifl ImiIIi iI i.i:k. It I' i'ni liilly fur . nmi ullh anlt. 1 hillr.l if.', tluil llil '' iipi'inr hnn l-n di'atKiii'd hy lllurn 8. Duila of lliol.iiin. V. Vu. Pneoivjtic Canning Device. Tho ihiimI..iI ,in of the ain.lllni; Of Inllt iuiiii. I for winlor uib la tin' A aHinn nf Ilia air fnii!'. ;ili li In. I irft f ; m-nta' Ion "f ti al i.hul In thn Jul'. 4 o (hn f I nfC, ultiiii-iti'iy '.filnK to tlo final h'hi:-h of duay. My fnllnary ni-th'i'U of rniinlitK it N nlinot m-(..ksIMi m-(..ksIMi to rtliiiM-it thin air nnrlndy. npd It li to aid In thin work Unit Mih r iiparatim h rn ahown tiaa lnn di-allied di-allied hy Wllllnm II. Frndnrlrkn of lurtland, rn. Thn IntiMitlon of thn Mvi'titor la lo matin tho mm hin ! hbtiHt thn air fiom thn ran and thnn fnl It antomaih ally without allowing a ri'turn of thn air fnmi thn otitaUln. In onl'-r lo niromplldi thla purpimi t)i only rhnnKn rcndiTi'd iici-ominry In t.in jfir la th In.inrtluti of a titU In tlin cntr of thn a nw top. Tha Kfhanlmn roinlata of a cyllndi-r anil M 1 t Sealing a Jar by Enternal Atmoepherlo Preaaure. plnlnn, thn Intlir Ih'Iiir lifli'd hy a hnnd lover to ilrnw th. nlr frinn tha Jar tlimuu-h Ihn tiiim'rtitiK nmiitli lilnrp. Whin thn Jar la lllli d nii.l thu rnvnr arri'wrd In plnr th vniiiiim prnliir.r la ait mi thi. covit with tho valvfi t.n..i. mi. I tl... mI.I.,,1 ml II. I,,,. I'at pnllll. Ail thn Iivit la lliprnmd thn platon pultM Ilia nlr Irnm thn Jar and when tin. arrow hrod at tho nutrr rnd nf III" Irvnr alrlhria tlu iriijr. (Inn rod at thn hnl inn of tho ryllmlnr thn rod la drivrn Inward, tnrnliiK thn valvn and riiinilrlln tho arulliiK prnrraa. Thn' apparntua la Ihnn rnnovi'd, thn vairuin limhlii thn Jnr rrialnliiK Ihn talye In Ita chiai-d noalthm. Whnn It la donlrrd In opi'ii tho run a turn of thn yalyc ailinlta nlr and niiikri It rany to iiiim rnw tlm rovr. For Teaching Telegraphy. Ilnre la a almplu and y't arriirnta apparalna with the aid of whlrh any liidiialrliina i hllil ran kalu a kiinwInlKa of thn art of ti'lrmniihy. wllh irurth In rnri'lvliiK aa wnll aa anndlnK inra-aaai.a. inra-aaai.a. Thn rhli.f dlflhnlty to ovrr-rninn ovrr-rninn la thn traliiliu; of thn r-iir tn ratch and iIIbiIiikuIhIi thn Irnxlli and nnnihnr of Iho ilnta rnd ct ailira. the annillnx of a nii'Mnaiti hrlim a ronipur-atlvnly ronipur-atlvnly i-aay tank. Tha formur innthnil of aiinlnlni! iirnlli ii'iii y In rnri'lvliiK wna tn tinvn a prrimu urnd a iuvmhuu nfiir nti-MHiii'rt in ihn 1. uim-r, a tiro viitiin priM i'nh tn Ihn Hi iiih'i'. lit pittlnm o and piTirnvrinnin am rniulnd In thn work. With thn iirw iiii.iiiiiii thn Innrnnr n !i no n'Omant. lniily Kl'ImllllK mil h.i iiwii ihilH mid il.l 'bi'H na nut nr hlnw nniy tin iirri':.n.ny tn riirrn- iiuiiil with hln pi rd In rm i lv-lint. lv-lint. Ihn oi.llnniy fnim nf luy uml Hiimdi-r nm tn.nl. In'ini; wlrml in thn linltniy In thn uniuil wny. Tlnio la nln a rlrrlillt Imlm il lii'lnri n tlm iMintiilrr nmi a Hprlni; timi:iin rcsilni; nn Ihn n.li n nf tli Inl-ny dink. Ill lino with thn Imltiln nf thn tin nun Ihn ilu.k la rnynlnd nl pmp.'r IntnrvnlH with linn i nnilili'tlnc pnijni liiiim, uhiih hrnnk thn rnntiu-l hrtwnrli thn tnnuun Rotary Olaka Send tha Meaaagea. and platu, rai slim thu ainiiulrr In form tha ilnla and ilunhna an nnllnuly. Til rilaka am liitnn'hiini:nulilu to afford xrnntvr Inlltinln In prmtlnj. Charlna K. Ki-an of liiiiham. N. C, la tha In-vrntur. In-vrntur. Electric Force From the Sun. In Ihn Itnvun flrnnriilK dna Si lnnnna M. Nnrdniann ttrntmiina a tlinnry nL Ilia pmpitutillnn nf 'lnrlrh. fin-no frinn th aim Inin atuun whlrh la humd on thn amniinpllmi thnt llnrlilnn tun arn I'lllltlnd frntn Ihn anrrm-i nf nnr luinliiarv, and thai thn i'iiiIkhIiiii nf thn olnrtrln HW' i.llml ho imrllru larly Intonan at i'iirha of mnxliniiin anlnr aiilvlty. M. Niir.linann mliulta thnt hit into allmnpla tn dlannynr IlirUInn watna In thu anlur nulla-linn nulla-linn have Iml tn a nnutlvo rnaiilt; but. III hla nplnlnn. Ihia may he tx plalmil hy Iho rnplnua ahanivillnn of i.ie elnrirlr uiiiliilailnna In tho hltthnr luynra nf nnr ulninhphi'rn. on thla hypnthntli nl l uola Iho tlinnry atinniita an t'Milnnatliiti' nf iniuninty p.irimui. ona, of tnrtvhtt Inl inuKiii'iltiiii. and nf Iho liinilmiKiiy of nmlinr In tho lu'liu-Ian lu'liu-Ian and In the vlnnliy tif tnmporury aiara. M. Nni-.liuuiin'a iKipnr tluu env era Iho aunio Kinillnl aa Iho prnMniiB r. si iiri h. of IM-ofnaaor Arrlmtiltia. Hut thn illHllniiiiliihnil Swiiluh ph. rlsl ailyni an a I in llii uiy nf i-orpiiaru. lar I'li i trli' ninlitiliiu. mid M. Nurd-liiiinn Nurd-liiiinn oi'ilravnra In alio Hun mnun Kiavo ohjni'tlul'H limy hn lli;nl UKitlltHl thla pnlnl nf vlnw. uml that, nil thn W llnli". thn rnmlih ul phnlinllinliu horn ri .11 Klil.T.-il nm honor ikpluilli'il hy thn iindiiliilury oln irlr tlinnry of Max-wnll Max-wnll and llnrl.. llimtnti TiuiiHriiit. |