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Show ;WHIU MtN IN MINDANAO. KMient aiurr f K.ee rtil.ting oa That I.lauil Ml HUeuled. A atory di. puling tbe exl.lence of a race of white nieu on Mindanao laland la told by C. G. Stone, who waa recent ly a member of the army engineering corp. in tha Orient, and who returned to San Kranciaco a few daya ago. Hton waa couimi.ioned by Captain lliildwlo to make a lour of tha laland wltb the purpone, in part, of aaeerlaln-lng aaeerlaln-lng tha truth of Hie report, that a race of people dl.tincl from tha typical Moroa Inhabited tha lulerlor portlona of Mindanao. Hloue aay. hi. Inve. ligation li-gation con. limed conaiderabla time. He acquired the dlalecta of aeveral trlbea aud waa afTorded iiuii.ual opKr-tuultlea opKr-tuultlea for iuvenllgiilion, Stouo declarca that the atiitcmrnt made aa to the exl.lence of native whtlo men up the Llu ml ia not founded on facta. He met many pcraona whole facial characterl.tlca denoted Caucaa-lan Caucaa-lan auceatry, particularly III tlte matter mat-ter of complexion, when eonlraaled with tha Moro akin, hut hla luiiulrlca led to Ilia development that lhec lighter hued people wera de.cended from ra.llllan. who hnd long ago .Billed .Bi-lled on Mindanao ard had married uallve women. No colonic, of tbca people were found at auy point aud Hloue noted them at lettered placea. All of them bad furgotteu the faith of their for-beara for-beara and wera devout followera of Mohammed. |