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Show WOES OF GERMAN OFFICERS. Matrimonial Snag In th Path of Ksl- ' ssr's Soldier. As censor of military marriage, German Kmperor William has defined what manner of wedlock 1 permls-alble permls-alble to Prussian offlreM and what marrlngea are "trongtlilly under-said." under-said." Hla new order atatea that an officer with 11.125 a year must hare a private Income of 1376 In order to marry. A district officer of gendarme k must dd private nieana of 'i25 a year to a aalary of t'.iOO to win the privilege privil-ege Offlcera who haven't 8760 pay mustn't marry at all. 1 The kaiser s 1 the busiest niatrl- i mon I si bureau In the world. Earh ' officer who dealrea to "double hi ' duties and halve hla rights" must atat hla prospective father-in-law' business and tell whether the lady I maid, widow or divorcee, and In th latter case why. Proofs must be Inclosed In-closed of hor Income, education and repute. If thore Is no obstacle, social' or military, tha wedding bells may then peal out their merry not. Interest rate upon aucb German Investments aa th "kingly and kaiser- ly" bureau will accept are low. A yong fellow practically must have tlO.ooo to 818,000 In hla own nam before he can think of matrimony. It ( . th lovelorn one has not the rash-well. rash-well. In that case he can give up hi commission and com to a country where b may marry on nothing a year If b like. ' |