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Show CHANCES OF A BURGLAR. He la Not the One Usually Who Is In Dsngsr. A man who waa arrested by local detectives a few weeks ago and afterward after-ward sent to tho penltentlnry on a charge of burglary, talked freely to the officer concerning his manner of living: "Will you tell me why yon prefer a, life of crime to thst of an honest, upright up-right man?" tho detective aaked him. "1 havo often wondered." added tho officer, "why burglars will take such desperate chances, when so frequently there Is but Utile to be gained. " "Dut we don't take the chances.'' ni Lie burglar. "The. anari - who cii"e i after us takes the chances. He In Ms lite In his own hands when ho leuves his beu-chnmher and goeu In pursuit of an tinwelcomo caller. Tho odds are all against lilm and In favor of us. Wo know whero we are and have an idea from whore the occupant oc-cupant uf the house will como. Of courae. wo only go to rob, and, when neeessnry, to light. No burglnr Is going to get raur.ht If he ran help It, even If he line to resort lo murder." "Hllll." tho detective reaiuiiied, "you are iHiund to bo in danger somo time, and Hint some tlmii I should think, would deter you from tuning tho clinnccs." "There are remote chances," the burglar anid. "but they are so reunite thut they are never consluered. If you will commit the records you will see that not one bnrcjnr In a hundred hun-dred cases over gets hurt. I'ntll thero Is a grest change In tho results you may depend tiKin It Hist burglaries will itot cease." Washington Hlar. |