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Show JACK HARBERTSMTS L CHALLENGED BY STARS, Waino Ketonen Agrees Throw, Chester or Peterson Six Times In One Hour The sport sanctum of The Standard has been the mecca of challenges! during dur-ing the past few days, wrestlers from every nook and corner of tno west writing this department, issuing a defl to Jack Harbertson, Ogden's pride Of this number, Jack Taylor, known from one end of the country to the other as a m;it artist of the first order, Issued a defl in which ho offers to throw Har- bertson twice In ninety minutes. Taylor. Tay-lor. In his letter, states that ho will i wrestle Harbertson for a side bet, on a percentage basis, or on any terms; agreeing to throw the local inal star j twlu- in a period of 90 minutes. In his. letter Taylor also hurls a defl at Ad I Santel. world's light heavyweight champion. British Lion After Harbertson. With the arrival of the morning mail a second challenge to Jack Harbertson from .Sain Clapham. the British lion. mO'Je it.1- appearance. Clapham is at, Boise and Is anxious to meet the local man. Frank McCarrol, of Chicago, weli known to Ogden wrestling fans, nowj 'termed a seasoned veteran, and a light I heavyweight star, is also anxious to . clash with Harbertson. McCarrol's ! Manager. Jack Childs. issued the challenge chal-lenge today in a letter written to the sports department. More New Challengers-Fireman Challengers-Fireman Peters, who is matched against Ad Santel at Boise this evening, eve-ning, has also thrown Ills hat in the! ring against Harbertson. They are all i after Jack's scalp and with the arri-j al of the mail each day a new chal-1 lenger comes forth, willing to meet j the Ogden star at any terms. i And last, but not least, Ira Uern, recognized world's champion in the , 'middleweight class. .has hurled a chal-. lenge at Harbertson. Dern copped the world's middleweight championship 1 from Waino Ketonen. at Boston last1 October, and is anxious to clash with 1 Harbertson at catch weights. Dern Is a I'tahn and is recognized throughout, the country as a mat star of ciass. He c-xpects to meet Ketonen in p re-' turn match at Salt Lake In the near hi ture. j Waino Ketonen Brave Challenger. I Waino Ketonen has issued a chal- j Icapc to Art Chester or Ezra Peterson 1 through the pres3 in which he agrees! to throw either of the two star.? six 1 times in one hour. Ketonen in his letter let-ter states that he understands Chester ; has afated that he holds a victory ovei I the mat marvel, and in lieu of that ' fact comes forth with a challenge in J which he will throw Peterson three 1 times In thirty minutes and wind up with Chester on the mat. throwing; Chester a like number of times !n the' same period of time. 'Tis a great life! if you don't weaken. j. |