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Show FUJI A. 1ISBITI IS DEI M OF PTOMIE Frank A. Naisbitt died this morning morn-ing at I o'clock at the family residence I near the corner of Nineteenth street and Washington avenue. Ptomaine poisoning, contracted a week ago cuuscd his death. Mr. Naisbitt was an employe of the Z. C. M. I. until the Watson-FIygare Hardware company was organized. Since that time lie has been in the employ of the latter establishment. He was born in Salt Lake, March 2, 1SC1. the son of Harry W. and Elizabeth Eliza-beth Paul Naisbitt. For the past 30 years he had been a resident of this city. In March, 1SSR, be married Lucindia E. Mligley. The following children (survive: Mrs. Ethel Shaw. Frank M. I Naisbitt, Mrs. Cecelia Harris, Marie ! 13. Naisbitt; four grandchildren also i survive, as dt two brothers, Joseph R. j Naisbitt and Fred C. Naisbitt, and a I sister, Mrs. Alice Sneddon of this city. I Funeral services will be held Wed-nessday Wed-nessday at 2 o'clock in the Fourth iward meeting house. Bishop Hyrum ! Lund officiating. The body may be viewed at the Larkin &. Sons chapel from 10 o'clock to 4 o'clock tomorrow iand at the home Wednesday morning, i Interment Ogden City cemetery. |