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Show OgdeisB.ROJ.Plan Unique Annual Event Tuesday ovening, February 3. will be old-timers' night at Ogden Lodge 710. B. P. O. E. This Js an annual ' event. The meeting will be hi charge of past exalted rulers and 'they are planning a novel meeting for the "Old Bills" and promise some unique features. fea-tures. Tomorrow night a class of about twenty will be initiated into the lodge. A luncheon and other entertainment is planned for this meeting. Seymour Jacobs, a representative of the" Elko I branch or 719, will be here tomorrow1 night to make final arrangements for I the excursion to that city on February; 1S, when a class of over Go will under-! ! go initiation under the direction ot officers of-ficers of Ogden lodge. ! no . |