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Show 4 Copyright 1919, Hart SchafTncr&Marx H ! -as good as H ' sf looks I H the nice thing about the E H clothes we sell is that they ji H look good ,and are every H bit as good as they look, j H you have to pay the price of high quality this 3rear; you don't always Hj get it yu can be certain of H: a good quality in the clothes j Hj I we sell, all-wool suits and Mj overcoats, made by HI Hart Schaffner &. Marx " ' sasacon guaranteed B the home of Hart Schaffner ' & Marx dollies oo ; Harmless Means 1 of Reducing Fat Many fat people fear ordinary means j 'for reducing their weight. Here is an j : extraordinary method Extraordinary .because while perfectly harmless no! dieting or exercise are necessary. Marmola Prescription Tablets aro 'made exactly in accordance with the i famous Marmola Prescription. A reduction re-duction of two, three or four pounds a week is the rule. Procure them from I any druggist or if you prefer send $1 to the Marmola Company, 854 Wood-1 !ward Ave., Detroit, Mich., for a large (case- Advertisement. I I nn I ! ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED you' toxoid iiJ?8"f "1 T ,"us"' e"sas,!d aGain' tut-the minute ggsrT sPMcY assy's rBr I GIRLS! WOMEN! GIRLS! j ' .0?e and leani a trade in Overall factory. Not only will I 1 JL,,aVe a sdy position, but it is a lasting experience. A I f;h? week and good pay to the capable. Are you one? Ap. I ply John Scowcroft & Cons Company, Department "M." Name "Bayer" on Genuine Aspirin : "Bayer Cross" on Aspirin like I "Sterling" on Silver "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" marked with the safety "Bayer Cross," can be tnken without fear because you are getting the truo, world-famous Aspirin, prescribed by physicians' for over IS years. Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which contains con-tains proper directions to safely relieve re-lieve Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Ear-ache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Rheuma-tism, Neuritis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally J Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cents Druggists also 'sell larger 'Bayer" packages Aspirin jis the trade mark of Jayer Manufacture Manufac-ture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicy- , Iieaeid. Advertisement. i T Fortify The Sys , tent Agaissst QmMs Grip and influenza Take Brm Quinine Tablets" Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature on the box. 30c I ; , fx 1 -gives better bakings that j feMl further. strikes- straight at pg I M iS 111 e root of ' extravagance waste and re- WJ- j p$ 'ira " " Jill duces living cost in a sane, sensible, worth while way. W::- gjf feO Calumet Baking Powder never j m twAk S to ProPerly raise aU bakings. It never Arm x&A S t0 procuce e kesfc f results. It always ifJt ' -Kj SfS Makes Mst Palatable ftf Mwmi asud Sweetest of Pds W 1 Calumet bakings do go further, lit! ? m IBf'l because they are deliriously good, are x$?: 2 g S'''P0$ never thrown away. M WM0&&M 'And because they have WM& ! M WmMM f greatest of keeping qual- Jflk M RmMiSS'Sl faaSSSB y stay r moist ..tender Wr- i m wlgi SIM SK m I PPKli Calumet makes M g 0-ffw your baking pow- 4 1 M&l L der monev and your baking material money go fin s further stretches it to the extreme of economy. gO '; Wr 3. You save when you buy it moderate W&U 1 W in cost. You save when you use it has ifceAKiNG povvj more than the ordinary leavening strength Wi'''- jfH ferFsfelS therefore you use less. You save materials it is Sp-- j fti mf nothadt ,vzWZ& used with there is never a bake-day failure. Wr 0wk Generations of good cooks have used mp.i? M 'MSM HfyU 8vi l Calumet because it positively proves its La W-mF " i1 superiority and economy.. Is unfailingly depend- W&y. : MJe'ti U --rTrfl able. It comes to you from the largest, finest, most sanitary WL'vA li I RwT 1kSSFS33kT ?; Baking Powder Factory in the world absolutely pure and ' 1 WM W'J jjp aspcrfecMnJeavening power as the day it left the big 'f ' W Contains only such ingredients as P Wfi ';J MyfM) have been officialbr approved bv United i ' . ) l pfi$:'mMw States Food Authorities. Sold by your grocer El ' ' . Il m&fct't 'Wi9m!P ttfbmW under a definite money-back guarantee, if it doesn't prove 59 .m(f fffiffil' "PaRB StISJb A "best by test" in your own kitchen, in o.y baking. W -' ' B ReimembeB wfoera yoy foe,y Gal unmet, you get a Jfit full pound, sf you want 5t. 1 USLAMl2MBSi if Head' the Classified Ads. fi S ! i. ( FREE m FREE ' j 1 j EVERY PURCHASER OF ' l Will be presented wth a White Enamel Flour Sifter. A real convenience in any I 'home. ASK YOUR GROCER : " 111 v V "W ;V - IS 7 lHEjloiifyto X:.- J HOLLEY. f BEST H FOR GOOD I II j ' QUALITY. BREAD j ' ' l i--. OEDIH, UTAH ul lAiUHE.JfYtL. jl t. v.; - V I0GffiJKT.l .r;;.v. I Ogden's Best and Velox Flour are products prepared from the very finest of wheat, 11 carefully selected, properly blended and milled under direction of men who'are experts ; I I in preparation of the highest class flours. ill "OGDEN'S OWN ' j jl FREE "FREE ' |