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Show WORLD'S MARKETS New York, Jan. 23. Bethlehem Steel yielded ten points of its gain soon after its opening and then advanced ad-vanced within a point of its former gain. United States Steel rose a point on tin- rebound with one to two for sugars, oils, particularly C alifornia petroleums, Sears-Roebuck and Harvester Har-vester corporation preferred, but marines ma-rines were hesitant. Motors also con-' Untied backward with gas shares, Industrial In-dustrial Alcohol and Baldwin Locomo-' live. Reading and Long Island, the! latter at an advance of 2 1-2 points with many noteworthy features among rails. Trading languished in the Bec-ond Bec-ond hour, but prices made further improvement. im-provement. Bonds were firm. Omaha Livestock. Omaha, Neb., Jan. 23 Hogs Receipts, Re-ceipts, 15,000; market higher. Hoavy, $10.85fi'll 15; light, Slo.60ftll 00; pigs, S9. 00(o) 10.50; bulk of sales, $10.70 911.00. Cattle Repeicts, 62,000; market steady. Native steers, $8 OOtfMl.Oo; cows and heifers, $6 G0f8.50, western steers, S6 75fri 9.60; Texas Bteers, $6.50 (TrS.OO; Blockers and feeders, $6.25(q) 9.60 Sheep Receipts, 4500; market higher. Yearlings, $10.85al2.35; wethers, weth-ers, S9.50?;10.25; lambs, S13.15G14.35. Cotton. Washington, Jan 3. Cotton gained prior to January 16 amountod to 11,-147.118 11,-147.118 running bales, exclusive of llnters. including 189,004 round bales and 115,543 bales of sea island, the census bureau today announced. CHICAGO GRAIN. Ohicago, Jan. 23 Assertions that President Wilson's speech tended to reopen the way to peace negotiations had a beariflh influence today on the wheat market Apparent absence of any urgent foreign buying counted al- so against the bulls. In this connec tion, one of the leading handlers of wheat said his foreign cables Indicated hat demand from Europe was likely 0 be slow for some time. OpeninK prices, which ranged from the same as esteiday'fl finish to 7-8c higher, with May at $1 87 to 1.87 3-4 and July at $1.53 1-2 to 1.53 5-8. were followed by a decided setback all around. Corn eased off with wheat The Tact, however, that receipts of corn here were meager prevented any radical weakness. After opening 3-8c off to l-8c up, the market underwent a general gen-eral sag. Trade in oats was almost entirely local. lo-cal. Prices refiected the weakness of other cereals. Provisions made a sharp advance. The cause was that hogs had risen to the highest prices yet this season. Subsequently new wheat crop months delivered considerable strength owing to Nebraska reports of adverse weather conditions and to indications in-dications of Hessian fly danger in Illinois. Il-linois. Rallies, however, failed to last. The close was heavy, 3-4 to 2 l-4c net lower, with May at $1 84 3-4 to 1 84 7-8 and July at $1.52 1-4. Reports that irreparable corn crop damage in Argentina amounted to 75 per cent of the yield which had been expected led afterward to an upturn in prices. The close was steady at the. same as yesterday's finish to a shade lower Wheat Open. Close. May $1.87 3-4 $1.84 3-4 July 1.53 1.52 1-4 Corn May 1 01 1-4 1.01 3-8 July 99 1-2 .99 3-4 Oats-May Oats-May 58 1-2 .58 July 55 7-8 55 3-8 Pork-May Pork-May 29 30 29.82 July 29.02 29 40 Lard May lfi 32 16 52 July 16. 5U 16.70 Ribs-January Ribs-January 13.57 May 15 55 15.67 |