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Show MORMONS ASK FOR PROTECTION Settlers Are Refused Safe Conduct Con-duct Out of Mexico by General Gen-eral Pershing Motor Trucks Hearnig. Juarez, Mexico. Jan. 22 A Mexican courier arrived here tonight from Cas-as Cas-as Grandes with an official message saying 1G1 motor trucks of the American Amer-ican expeditionary force left Colonla Dublan yesterday for Columbus, N. M., loaded to the top with camp equipment, equip-ment, supplies, ordnance, stores and excess bagpage. Thp truck trains were scheduled to arrive in Columbus at 9 30 tonight, according to the courier. He ?,aid well casings had been drawn at the headquarters of the punitive cx-pedlilo cx-pedlilo nat Colonia Dublan, loade- on trucks and sent to the Columbus Held base. He also reported that the Mormon Mor-mon settlers had asked for safe con-1 ducts to the border, but had been re-1 fused by General Pershing, who referred re-ferred thrm to the Mexican authorities. authori-ties. Many of these settlers will come ' out of the first Mexico Northwestern train, he added, and man natives were also planning to come to Juarez. No actual movement of troops toll to-ll ard the American border from the field headquarters, however, has yet begun, according to this same message- The El Valle garrison started moving toward Colonia Dublan, the field headquarters. This movement is I only a concentration of outpost troops, it was said here tonight, preliminary t he withdrawal of the expedition. Other reports received at the Car-ranza Car-ranza consulate in El Paso and from other sources here tend to confirm the! i first report salving the American troops were concentrating at the lield headquarters. One of these confirmatory' confirma-tory' reports, which was received also over the railroad telegraph line from i Casas Grandes, only a few miles from j I j tho punitive headquarters, said ar-! ar-! rangements were under way to have ; a detachment from the expeditionary '.force from Colonia Dublan, proceed from headquarters tomorrow to establish es-tablish a temporary camp north of Colonia Co-lonia Dublan, where the main expedition expedi-tion could stay en route to the border at Columbus, N. M . after the general withdrawal movement started. Funston Denies Troops Leaving. San Antonio, Texas, Jan 22 This , afternoon General Funston denied that the withdrawal of the Pershing expedition expe-dition had been started. At 4 o'clock the following statement was issued: "American troops in Mexico will not start back toward the border without orders and orders have been issued." Some Mormons Will Stay in Mexico. i Field Headquarters, American Punitive Puni-tive Expedition, Mexico, Jan. 22. (By J radio to Columbus ) A number of res-j idents of tho Mormon colonies at Co-' loma. Juarez and Colonia Dublan have! declared their intention of remaining on their ranches in the event of the withdrawal of the American troops from Mexico. There are about two I hundred families in these two settle-ments. settle-ments. Out of these, it is believed, j about 200 persons will brave the l changed conditions. |