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Show BRYAN ADDRESSES MASS MEETING State-wide Prohibition Campaign Cam-paign Opens in Wisconsin in University Pavilion at Milwaukee. Madison, Wis , Jan. 23 William J. Bryan addressed a mass meeting here last night. Which opened a state-wide prohibition campaign. The assembly adopted a joint resolution resolu-tion summoning President Charles R. Van Hise of the University of Wisconsin Wiscon-sin before the legislature to explain what authority Max Eastman, a Socialist, Social-ist, was denied permission to speak in a university building recently while Mr. Bryan was permitted to address a mass meeting in a university pavilion. The resolution now goes to the senate. Reference to Mr. Bryan as a "dry propagandist" prop-agandist" was stricken from the resolution reso-lution before it was adopted. Wonderfully Eloquent Appeal. Madison, Wis.. Jan. 23. "The president's presi-dent's message is a wonderfully eloquent elo-quent appeal to the nations at war," declared William Jennings Bryan in an interview here today betore leaving on a train for Springfield, 111., where he speaks this afternoon. "Insofar as the president's message suggests terms of agreement, it is entirely en-tirely sound and reflects what I believe be-lieve to be almost unanimous sentiment. senti-ment. But I dissent entirely from the proposition that this nation should Join in a movement to effect peace in Europe. Eu-rope. World League Inconceivable. "If I know the sentiment of the American people it is inconceivable i that they should be willing to put the American army and navy at the com-1 mand of an international council j which would necessarily be controlled 1 I by European nations and allow that , council to decide for us when we would go to war. "In the president's appeal he presents pre-sents the philosophy of brotherhood and co-operation and this is inconsistent inconsist-ent with the proposition that it be backed up by a lack of display of force In other words, the president puH wheat and tares together. I hope that the senate will approve of the wheat ; and reject the tares." nn |